SAP Security Notes - Vulns CVEs Priority and EPSS.
VULNCHECK_API = "vulncheck_"
CVE Prioritizer is a serverless application that helps prioritize vulnerability patching by combining CVSS, EPSS, and CISA's Known Exploited Vulnerabilities. This tool streamlines the process>
group vercel(logos:vercel)[Vercel serveless]
service gateway(logos:vercel)[API Gateway] in vercel
service function(logos:vercel)[Serverless Function] in vercel
group aws(logos:aws)[AWS]
service s3(logos:aws-s3)[S3 Storage] in aws
group external[External Services]
service github(logos:gitlab)[GitHub Repository] in external
service pip(logos:python)[pip Package Manager] in external
gateway:L --> R:function
function:T --> L:s3
function:R -- B:github
function:B <-- T:pip