This project has been forked from jamalhassouni/Todo-List-API:master. We are using it to see if you have the requisite skills to get it up and running by following all the instructions presented here.
To complete this you must make the API and the UI work together.
Todo List PHP Application Programming Interface
PHP 7 script that adds a REST API to a MySQL 5.5 InnoDB database
- PHP 7.0 or higher with PDO drivers for MySQL, PgSQL or SqlSrv enabled
- MySQL 5.6 / MariaDB 10.0 or higher for spatial features in MySQL
Create the MySQL database in from the todo.sql
file in the repo.
Edit the following lines in the bottom of the file config/Database.php
private $host = 'xxx';
private $db_name = 'xxx';
private $username = 'xxx';
private $password = 'xxx';
For local development you may run PHP's built-in web server:
php -S localhost:8080
Test the script by opening the following URL:
API methods are available here