A Spotify WebPlayer built on Node.js with an Express.js server and React.js client. Built for usage within a WKWebView in the MultiPlaylists App.
Prepared for Heroku deployment if desired: see "heroku-postbuild" in package.json of root directorty.
- Clone this repository and 'cd' into it
- Create an app on the Spotify Developer website
- Add http://localhost:5000/auth/callback to your redirect URI's of your new Spotify App (Dashbord->Your App->Edit Settings)
- Copy your Client ID and Client Secret to the '.env' file in the root directory
- Ensure you have 'nvm' installed and 'node LTS v16.x' installed
- Run 'nvm use 16'
- Create the react build:
- 'cd' into 'client' directory
- run 'npm install'
- run 'npm run build'
- 'cd' back to root directory
- From the project root directory run 'npm install'
- Run 'npm start'
- Open http://localhost:5000
If you are using a modern Mac you must turn off AirPlay reciever which normally runs on the 5000 port: System Settings -> General -> AirDrop and Handoff -> AirPlay reciever
Built based on Spotify Tutorial with modifications to simplify the proxy.
Infromation on deployment to Heroku.