Simple Astrodynamics Analysis Toolkit Written in Julia
is a library primarily intended for use in scripts and packages for astrodynamics analyses.
A key goal of Jamie
is to be simple and not burden the user with a complex API.
and the required dependencies and packages will be installed.
This software requires the Julia Programming Language which is free and open source software.
Give examples
Getting installing Jamie
is as simple as installing it through Julia's package management system.
Currently, the package is not registered with Julia, so to install simply open up a Julia REPL and type
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url=""))
and you're ready to go! Check it out by grabbing some Lagrange points
julia> using Jamie
julia> equilibrium_solutions(CrtbpSystem(0.012))
To run the tests for Jamie
, enter the package management mode in the REPL via the ]
key and type
(@1.4) pkg> test Jamie
Add notes about how to use the system.
- @rjpower4 - Idea & Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.