- Visual Studio Code
- Pesticide for Chrome
- Beautify
- toogle multiple columns
- Chrome DevTools
- Debugger for Chrome
- JSHint
- expressJS (via NPM install -g)
- nodemon (via NPM install -g)
- JSON viewer Awesome
- MongoDB server (+ to path = .bash_profile)
Mongo Driver Native Driver is library which allow interact between languages Mongoose Driver Package Simple version Driver to javascript and mongo languages
Plattform to keep 5 projects online SERVER. https://www.heroku.com/
https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v13.x/api/ https://nodejs.org/api/synopsis.html https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_get_url_options_callback
- NPM -> https://www.npmjs.com/
- Express -> https://expressjs.com/
https://jquery.com/download/ https://developers.google.com/speed/libraries#jquery
Chrome DevToops -> Sources -> Snippets.
https://getbootstrap.com/ https://bootsnipp.com/ https://bootswatch.com/ https://fontawesome.com/
Mobile Friendly Google test --> https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly
Web Safe Fonts and embbed Link in head section ---> https://fonts.google.com/ https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_websafe_fonts.asp https://fontawesome.com/
Button Generator ---> https://www.cssbuttongenerator.com/
Inspire with Web Templates ---> https://www.canva.com/ https://ui-patterns.com/ https://www.awwwards.com/ https://dribbble.com/ https://collectui.com/
Build a Web template ---> https://balsamiq.cloud/ https://www.canva.com/
colorhunt ---> https://colorhunt.co/palette/171695
emoji Images ---> https://emojipedia.org/sushi/
Professional Images ---> https://www.flaticon.com/ https://unsplash.com/ https://www.joomlashine.com/ https://tineye.com/ https://pixabay.com/
Favicon ---> https://www.favicon.cc/ https://fontawesome.com/
Lorem ipsum https://loremipsum.io/