I use templates for my personal projects with standard setup to connect to my personal app infrastructure.
This Template repo has a simple app with a flask python backend, a quasar frontend, docker image build and codefresh deployment. I have also extended it for with my standard Terraform setup.
Find and replace service name occurrences (templateservicename -> new name):
- codefresh.yml
- Dockerfile
- run localbuild
- frontend/saasClientAPI
- terraform main
- local_terraform
- testContainer
Find and replace defaulttenant to the tenant name. E.g. for saas_social I made the default social. This is for when the frontend connects to usermanagement.
In codefresh.yml update the versions of build containers I use:
- RJM_BUILDQUASARAPP_IMAGE Also change this one in the ./compile_frontend_and_build_container.sh script
In compile_and_build_container.sh update the following docker image to the latest:
- QUASARBUILDIMAGE="metcarob/docker-build-quasar-app:0.0.30"
Run commands in new repo root:
mkdir ./services/objectstoredata
in /frontend run npm install
in /frontend run npm audit fix
Check coderelease.props is correct github/gitlab
Check the python app requirements are the latest
Check the python app dependencies match the test container
- ./services/continous_test.sh works
- ./services/run_app_developer.sh works
- /frontend run quasar dev works
- ./run_all_parts_on_dev_machine.sh - check serverinfo is being read correctly
- ./compile_frontend_and_build_container.sh works
- ./run_localbuild_container.sh works and serverinfo is read correctly
- Create secret (saas_templateservicename_objectstore_config_dynamodb_cached) in infrastructure (Note maybe for AWS I want to create a user for this service)
docker secret create saas_templateservicename_objectstore_config_dynamodb_cached - <<EOF
"Type": "Caching",
"DefaultPolicy": {
"cache": true,
"maxCacheSize": 40,
"cullToSize": 30,
"timeout": 60000
"ObjectTypeOverride": {},
"Main": {
"Type": "DynamoDB",
"aws_access_key_id": "xx",
"aws_secret_access_key": "yy",
"region_name": "eu-west-2",
"endpoint_url": "None",
"single_table_mode": "True",
"objectPrefix": "templateservicename"
Setup project in codefresh
Change clone step in codefresh so it has either github or gitlab.
If the deployment works we should be good!
- https://api.metcarob.com/templateservicename/v0/public/web/frontend/#/ works and loads serverinfo
- curl https://api.metcarob.com/templateservicename/v0/public/api/info/serverinfo works
- Add endpoint to my service monitoring. (At least serverinfo and index pages)