Towards believable NPCs.
# full dev env e.g. auto-update assets/images
npm run dev
yarn dev
# manual dev env
npm run develop
yarn develop
This hook will use .bashrc
(because I use bash),
which should contain something like this:
# .bashrc
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
test -f .nvmrc && nvm use
Use VSCode plugin glsl-literal
for syntax highlighting (*.glsl + inline-strings).
We use xargs
for parallelisation of commands.
# for `yarn cwebp '{ "files": [...] }'`
brew install webp
We use convert
from ImageMagick.
brew install imagemagick
# exit code 0 <=> installed
convert --version | grep ImageMagick >/dev/null && echo $?
# autocrop an image using ImageMagick (overwriting it)
srcPath=media/edited/fresher--015--1x2.png &&
dstPath=media/edited/fresher--015--1x2.trim.png &&
convert -fuzz 1% -trim "$srcPath" "$dstPath" && mv "$dstPath" "$srcPath"
# greyscale
convert -colorspace Gray myImage.png myImage.gray.png
We use dot
(graphviz) to visualized directed graphs.
brew install graphviz
Symbol PNGs should be unzipped in /media
Geomorph PNGs (background in hull symbols) should be unzipped in /media
Related resources (less/more resolution)