Meh is an application aimed as a satirical view on what we call 'social media' today. The internet gets flooded with useless information and irrelevant posts. With meh, you can up or downvote any entry a friend of you posts. When a status receives too many mehs, that person will no longer show up on the feed of his/her friends.
Disclaimer: meh is still in beta, obviously
First, make sure you've got node (6.2.2) and Homebrew (0.9.5) installed. Get the latest version of libpng by running:
brew install libpng
This library is needed so that webpack can correctly load the images. Next, install all dependencies using
npm install
To fire up the application, use
npm start
You can visit the application at http://localhost:8080
Also, make sure you run the JSON API server as well, using
npm run api
This makes sure the meh messages (and in the future comments) are saved in the messages.json
To build the application for production, use
NODE_ENV=production npm start
Note: this command is still in development and will not work now