NN2FPGA is a framework which generates quantized convolution neural networs accelerators in C++ for AMD FPGAs. The main goal of this project is to provide a tool targeting embedded FPGAs keeping state-of-the-art performance. The main addition to the state-of-the-art is the support for resnet-like models with specific optimizations for the skip connections and optimal resource allocation using BIP algorithm.
The project is completely open-source, and it is released under the MIT license. We would be happy to receive contributions from the community.
A machine with a Linux distribution (tested on Centos8 and Ubuntu 20.04) and a recent version of the Xilinx suite (tested with Vivado/Vitis HLS 2023.2) is required. The python environment is managed with conda, so it is required to have a recent version of conda installed. To perform the whole flow, it is required to have a Xilinx FPGA board with a Vitis license.
To install the framework, it is required to clone the repository and to install the python environment.
conda env create -f nn2fpga.yml
conda activate nn2fpga
To run the framework, it is required to have a trained model in the QONNX format. The framework is able to convert models from the ONNX format to the C++ code. To convert a model, it is required to run the following commands:
cd nn2fpga
make all TOP_NAME=${TOP_NAME} BOARD=${BOARD} ONNX_PATH=../test/onnx/${TOP_NAME}.onnx DATASET=cifar10
The framework will generate the C++ code in the work
folder, synthesize the HLS
code, generate the block design and the bitstream.
To deploy the bitstream on the FPGA, it is required to run the following command:
make deploy TOP_NAME=${TOP_NAME} BOARD=${BOARD} ONNX_PATH=../test/onnx/${TOP_NAME}.onnx DATASET=cifar10
Supported boards are ULTRA96v2
and ZCU102
Right now the framework is fully working for classification datasets, but we are extending it to object detection and segmentation.