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Installation Manual

Robert Soane edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

Personal Computer Installation


To run Antelope you need the following:

  • Python 3.9. This can be installed from the the python website.
  • Antelope. This can be downloaded from this repository, or via the following command:
git clone


Once the requirements are satisfied, navigate into the root Antelope directory and complete the following:

Setup virtual environment

This allows Antelope to use specific versions of all required libraries without effecting the computers main Python installation. In Powershell run:

python -m venv venv

To activate the virtual environment run:


You should see (venv) at the start of your command prompt. (To deactivate the virtual environment you can simply run deactivate)Now run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Before Antelope can be run, you must 'migrate' the database. To do this, run:

python migrate

This may take a while; this command will also cause Antelope to download the required language models from the Tensorflow website.

Setup super user

Once the virtual environment is running, you must set-up the superuser. The superuser is an administrator and can be used to manage users, setup schemas, and setup models. Run the following:

python createsuperuser

This may take some time to load, however you will be prompted to give a username, email address and password. The email address is not used for anything, so you can just use [username]@localhost.

Run Antelope

To run Antelope, navigate to Antelope's root directory, ensure the virtual environment is running and run:

python runserver

Depending on the speed of your computer this may take a while. Once the server is running you should see a message like the following:

Django version 3.2.4, using settings 'altl.settings'
Starting development server at

Navigate to (or whatever link is shown in the prompt).

You can now login with your superuser username and password.

Before you can start labelling transcripts you must setup a new schema, see schema management for more details.

Server Installation

Antelope is powered by Django, with a React frontend. In order to run Antelope from a server, the server must have an installation of Python 3.9.

So far there are no instructions for installing Antelope on a server.