Hey, future me. Configuring the right dev environment can be though, but since you love the terminal, and the terminal loves scripting, things can be made somewhat easier.
These files help you in setting up your dev environment, which includes at least:
- git
- vim
- zsh
- i3
For some configuration options, there may be come caveats. Please make sure you install it in the right manner!
'Installation' is kind of pushing it. Just clone this repository into ~/.dotfiles
The repository has some *.symlink files. These files are meant to be symlinked from the original config files for the applications. This means you get to pick and choose which configs you would like, as this might differ from environment to environment.
You can symlink these using ln -s [target] [link_name]
, so:
- ln -s ~/.dotfiles/vimrc.symlink ~/.vimrc
- ln -s ~/.dotfiles/ctags.symlink ~/.ctags
- ln -s ~/.dotfiles/gitconfig.symlink ~/.gitconfig
- ln -s ~/.dotfiles/zshrc.symlink ~/.zshrc
- ln -s ~/.dotfiles/tmux.conf.symlink ~/tmux.conf
- ln -s ~/.config/nvim/init.vim ~/nvrimrc.symlink
Run 'npm ci' for CoC
- ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim
In the vimrc several plugins are configured. You can use Vundle to manage these plugins.
Doing so, however, requires you to install Vundle first:
git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
Now, open vim using
And run
Now Vundle should download all dependencies and install them.
One of the bundles we use is YouCompleteMe. Since this uses a client-server architecture, we need to install the server.
After installing all plugins, perform the installation for YouCompleteMe:
Run (use cmake3 instead of cmake for ubuntu 14.04):
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
sudo apt install build-essential cmake python3-dev
python3 install.py --ts-completer --rust-completer
The options for ts-completer and rust-completer are to enable the autocompletion for javascript and rust.
- create an installation script