I found no way to open Safari on iPhone or iPad Simulator and open a specific URL via the command line.
That is why I created this tiny iOS app.
You can launch this app (e.g. via ios-sim) and pass an URL as argument to it. The app then open Safari by calling [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url];
Please let me know, if you've found an easier method.
Prerequisites: XCode 4.5 with iOS Simulator 6.0
Follow the installation intructions for ios-sim
brew install ios-sim
- get the tiny ios app (compiled for iPhone and iPad Simulator 6.0)
mkdir -p ~/tools/ios-sim-safari-launcher
curl https://raw.github.com/rockitbaby/IOSSimulatorSafariLauncher/master/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/IOSSimulatorSafariLauncher.app.zip > ~/tools/ios-sim-safari-launcher/IOSSimulatorSafariLauncher.app.zip
open ~/tools/ios-sim-safari-launcher/IOSSimulatorSafariLauncher.app.zip
Opening an URL in Safari on iPad Simulator via the command line
ios-sim launch ~/tools/ios-sim-safari-launcher/IOSSimulatorSafariLauncher.app --family ipad --args http://google.com?q=Yeah%21%20It%20works%21
Opening an URL in Safari on iPhone Simulator via the command line
ios-sim launch ~/tools/ios-sim-safari-launcher/IOSSimulatorSafariLauncher.app --family iphone --args http://iphonedevwiki.net/index.php/QuartzCore.framework
I like to have a shortcut function in my dotfiles - see .functions
# functions to open an url in safari on ios simulator
# deps:
# - http://github.com/phonegap/ios-sim
# - http://github.com/rockitbaby/IOSSimulatorSafariLauncher
function ipad-safari() {
ios-sim launch ~/tools/ios-sim-safari-launcher/IOSSimulatorSafariLauncher.app --family ipad --args $1
function iphone-safari() {
ios-sim launch ~/tools/ios-sim-safari-launcher/IOSSimulatorSafariLauncher.app --family iphone --args $1
function ipad-safari-log-memory() {
open /Applications/Utilities/Console.app
ipad-safari $1
function iphone-safari-log-memory() {
open /Applications/Utilities/Console.app
iphone-safari $1