WeEvent is a distributed event-driven architecture that implements trustworthy, reliable and efficient cross-institutional and cross-platform event notification mechanism.
WeEvent is an open source architecture developed by WeBank for peer-to-peer cooperation, smart collaboration and value sharing in the Collaborative Business Model. Aiming at higher efficiency in cross-institutional cooperation with lower costs, it connects different platforms such like applications, IOTs, cloud services and private services via cross-institutional and cross-platform event notification and processing without changing the existing programming language and network interface protocol.
We can quick install WeEvent in 3 different ways:Docker image, Bash Shell, Advanced.
$ docker pull weevent/weevent:1.0.0; docker run -d -p 8080:8080 weevent/weevent:1.0.0 /root/run.sh
Download and unzip the install package, like weevent-1.0.0.tar.gz. And then execute the install shell.
$ ./install-all.sh -p /usr/local/weevent/
There are some base usecase showed via browser,like Publish Event.
For more examples, see the WeEvent tutorials.
- Develop environment
git, gradle 4.10, java 1.8, nodejs 10.16, prefer IntelliJ IDEA. - WeEvent roadmap
- Git workflow
WeEvent love contributor! Please read the CONTRIBUTING.md first, and then submit a pull request.
Thank you!
- Contacts:[email protected]