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[CI] rolling is now the default branch, update CI and README accordingly #1142

[CI] rolling is now the default branch, update CI and README accordingly

[CI] rolling is now the default branch, update CI and README accordingly #1142

Workflow file for this run

name: SROS2 CI
# Run daily
- cron: '0 20 * * *'
# test_latest:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# # 'osrf/ros2:devel' does *not* include RTI Connext or its' security plugins
# # the former gets installed via rosdep in 'action-ros-ci' but the latter do *not* get installed
# container: osrf/ros2:devel
# steps:
# - name: Install prerequisites for action-ros-ci and FastRTPS
# run: |
# apt-get -qq update
# apt-get -qq upgrade -y
# apt-get -qq install -y curl libasio-dev libssl-dev libtinyxml2-dev python3-colcon-coveragepy-result
# - uses: ros-tooling/[email protected]
# with:
# package-name: |
# sros2
# sros2_cmake
# test_security
# extra-cmake-args: '-DSECURITY=ON --no-warn-unused-cli'
# target-ros2-distro: rolling
# rosdep-skip-keys: rti-connext-dds-6.0.1
# - name: Upload coverage to Codecov
# uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1
# if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' || (github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/rolling')
# with:
# file: ros_ws/build/sros2/coverage.xml
# flags: unittests
# name: sros2-coverage
# fail_ci_if_error: true
# - name: Upload Logs
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
# if: failure()
# with:
# name: colcon-logs
# path: ros_ws/log
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# 'osrf/ros2:nightly-rmw-nonfree' includes RTI Connext but
# does *not* include the security plugins or a license allowing the use of Security
container: osrf/ros2:nightly-rmw-nonfree
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Installing dependencies
run: |
apt-get -qq update
apt-get -qq upgrade -y
. /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/
rosdep update
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive rosdep install -y --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
- name: Build workspace
run: . /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/ && colcon build
- name: Test workspace
run: . /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/ && colcon test --executor sequential --event-handlers console_direct+
- name: Check test results
run: colcon test-result
- name: Upload Logs
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
if: failure()
name: colcon-logs
path: ros_ws/log