Source code for personal website built with Beautiful Jekyll
- _bibliography
- articles.bib: article info in
format for jekyll-scholar to build Publication page - thesis.bib: MSc info in
- articles.bib: article info in
- _includes:
- head.html: add
{% seo %}
section (installation forjekyll-seo-tag
- head.html: add
- _layouts:
- search.html: search layout from Minimal Mistakes (still need to configure properly)
- _pages: folder for page markdown files (formerly located in parent folder)
- assets:
- css/custom-styles.css: CSS code for custom elements
- main font family and size
- footer padding and copyright font family
- center align property
- header image opacity
- horizontal ruler
- img: custom images for website
- css/custom-styles.css: CSS code for custom elements
- favicon.ico: custom website icon
- Rakefile: Ruby Makefile to render website and push compiled sources to master branch (necessary due to custom Jekyll plugins like jekyll-scholar; Rakefile code here)