A common development scenario, when using a Heroku-hosted Refinery CMS app, is to copy production data to development via the use of heroku db:pull
This gem adds a rake task to your Refinery CMS project which copies your production assets stored on s3 onto the local filesystem.
- Mac OS X, Linux, or UNIX.
- A Heroku account (or S3 credentials).
- A Refinery CMS project (Refinery 1.x and 2.x are supported)
Open up your Gemfile and add at the bottom this line:
gem 'refinerycms-s3assets', :group => :development
Now, run:
bundle install
This gem assumes that your production Heroku app is storing assets on Amazon s3
and that your Heroku app has the following three config vars properly defined:
, S3_KEY
( see http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars for more info).
Start by copying your production database to your local database:
heroku db:pull
To copy all Image and Resource files from S3 you can now run the following:
bundle exec rake refinery_s3assets:pull
Start by copying your development database to your production:
heroku db:push
To copy all Image and Resources files from local development to S3 you can run the following:
bundle exec rake refinery_s3assets:push
If you do not have a Heroku application but you do know the S3 credentials then you can provide these manually as ENV variables:
S3_KEY=key S3_SECRET=secret S3_BUCKET=bucket bundle exec rake refinery_s3assets:pull
There is currently no prompting if you are overwriting existing files so please be careful.
Please see MIT-LICENSE for more details.
Copyright (c) 2012 Rounders Consulting Inc.