This is a cookiecutter template for creating a Command Line Interface (CLI) python application framework that uses loguru for logging.
A local development environment is included that uses:
- Poetry Python packaging and dependency management.
- Task is a task runner / build tool.
- MkDocs Project documentation with Markdown.
- mkdocs-material Material theme.
- pytest unit testing.
- pytest-cov unit test coverage.
- tox multiple python testing.
- radon code metrics.
- Ruff an extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
- FawltyDeps FawltyDeps is a dependency checker for Python that finds undeclared and/or unused 3rd-party dependencies in your Python project.
Several addition MkDocs plugins are used to proved automatic code reference in the documentation. No additional documentation configuration necessary. Just run:
task build
task docs
Then open with your browser.
Install the task manager: Task
Install Poetry
Optionally install pyenv-installer
Install dependent pythons, example:
pyenv local 3.11.9 3.12.3
Note you may need to install some libraries for the pythons to compile cleanly. For example on ubuntu (note I prefer
sudo nala install tk-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev lzma-dev python3-tk libreadline-dev
Please look at the {{cookiecutter.project_slug}}/
for framework details.
To create a new application using this template:
Run: cookiecutter
After creating your new application skeleton, cd to the new project's directory then run:
git init .
# optionaltask build
# verify the framework builds cleanlytask main
# optional run the example applicationless
# optional read the instructions ;-)
Start modifying the src/*/
and add your application code...