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@krischer krischer tagged this 19 Mar 18:13
 - Highlights:
   * Python3 support
   * anaconda support
   * New formats: AH, CNV, Kinemetrics EVT, NDK, NLLOC, PDAS, ZMAP
   * ObsPy licensed under LGPL v3.0 now as a whole.
 - General:
   * Support for Python 3.3 and 3.4 in addition to 2.6 and 2.7
   * ObsPy licensed under LGPL v3.0 now as a whole.
   * More generic processing history for most Stream and Trace methods.
   * Now requires NumPy >= 1.4.0
   * Now requires SciPy >= 0.7.2
   * Tested compatibility with most major Linux distributions still
     receiving updates.
   * The next major obspy release (0.11) will drop support for:
     * Python < 2.7
     * matplotlib < 1.1
     * numpy < 1.6
     * scipy < 0.10
 - obspy.ah
   * New submodule for reading the AH (Ad Hoc) waveform format
 - obspy.arclink:
   * add support for Poles and Zeros type "B" (Analog, Hz), see #899
 - obspy.core:
   * Preview waveform plot improved: interactive updating of ticks and
     ticklabels, correct ticklabels for sub-minute zoom level (#657)
   * fixed a problem with UTCDateTime with timestamps of far future
     dates (larger than 2038, often seen in StationXML end dates,
     see #805)
   * Support for basic custom namespace tags in QuakeML I/O (see #454)
   * `interpolate()` method for Stream/Trace objects.
   * Dictionary values added to an AttribDict will now be converted to an
   * Removed custom OrderedDict backport for Python 2.6. Now relies on the one
     provided by the future package.
   * Renamed 'type' argument to 'method' in the Trace.differentiate() method.
   * Renamed 'type' argument to 'method' in the Trace.integrate() method.
     Additionally, several broken alternate methods have been removed.
   * new plugins for NonLinLoc formats for readEvents() and
     Catalog/Event.write() (see obspy.nlloc and #900)
   * The wrap_long_string utility function is deprecated. Users may use the
     textwrap module which provides similar functionality.
   * new plugin for CNV event format (used by VELEST) for
     Catalog/Event.write() (see obspy.cnv and #905)
   * better customizable control during merging traces with sub-sample shift of
     sampling points (see #980)
 - obspy.cnv:
   * new plugin to write CNV event files (used by VELEST) from
     Catalog/Event objects. (see #905)
 - obspy.css:
   * Support for little-endian binary and ASCII files (see #881).
   * Support exporting Inventory objects to CSS relations.
 - obspy.fdsn:
   * WADL files are cached per Python process.
   * Bulk station downloading using POST requests.
   * Support for FDSNWS 1.1, e.g. the `matchtimeseries` parameter for the
     station service.
 - obspy.imaging:
   * Maintain beach ball aspect ratio through optional axes argument (see
   * Refactored Catalog.plot() into helper routine
     obspy.imaging.maps.plot_basemap() (see #753).
   * The projections of Catalog.plot() have been modified slightly to provide
     equal-area projections:
     * The `"cyl"` projection is now named `"global"`. It is now the Mollweide
     * The '"local"` projection now uses the Albers Equal Area projection.
 - obspy.kinemetrics
   * New submodule for reading the Kinemetrics EVT waveform format
 - obspy.mseed:
   * Support for reading and writing all encodings supported by libmseed.
   * proper error reporting while reading
   * `details=True` when reading will now write to
     `Trace.stats.mseed.blkt1001.timing_quality` instead of
   * The timing quality will now also be written to a file if it is set.
   * Non-existing values when reading with `details=True` will now be set to
     `False` instead of `-1`.
   * New utility function `obspy.mseed.util.set_flags_in_fixed_header()`
     giving the ability to overwrite flags in the fixed header of existing
     MiniSEED files.
   * The sequence number of the first record of each Trace can now be
     specified when writing MiniSEED files.
   * `obspy-mseed-recordanalyzer`:
       - Bugfix: when specifying an out-of-bounds record number, information
         about the last record in the file was displayed (see #957). Now a
         proper error message is shown and the command line script exits
         with non-zero exit code.
       - Faster reading of a single record header
       - Added option "-a" to print information of all records
   * upgrade to libmseed 2.15
 - obspy.ndk:
   * New submodule able to read NDK files from the Global CMT project.
 - obspy.neries:
   * The whole module is deprecated and will be removed with the next major
     release. To access EMSC event data please use the obspy.fdsn client
     (use `Client(base_url='NERIES', ...)`), for access to ORFEUS waveform
     data please use the obspy.fdsn client (use
     `Client(base_url='ORFEUS', ...)`) and for travel times please use
 - obspy.nlloc:
   * new plugins to write NonLinLoc Phase observations files from
     Catalog/Event objects and to read NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase file into
     Catalog/Event objects. (see #900)
 - obspy.pdas:
   * read support for PDAS waveform files
 - obspy.sac:
   * New `byteorder` option for writing sac files to disk.
   * Can now read/write from/to file-like objects like io.BytesIO and open
 - obspy.seedlink:
   * bugfix: INFO responses from the IRIS ringserver are now parsed
     correctly (see #807)
   * New submodule `easyseedlink` providing an easier way to create
     SeedLink clients
   * New `Client` class providing a basic seedlink client for individual
     requests of finite time windows (i.e. non-continuous programs)
   * Fix memory leak in `SLClient` (MiniSEED record leak in packet parser,
     see #918)
 - obspy.seisan:
   * bugfix the actual data were misaligned by one
 - obspy.seishub:
   * use specified timeout in all requests to server (see #786)
   * Helper method `Client.event.getEvents()` to fetch a `Catalog` object
     from a seishub server of version 1.4.0 or higher.
 - obspy.signal:
   * Increased performance of PPSD plotting.
   * Interpolating methods. Wrappers around routines from scipy and a custom
     `weighted average slopes` method from Wiggins 1976.
   * PPSD has new methods to extract mean and mode of the histogram by
     frequency (see #804)
   * PPSD: water level in instrument correction can now be specified by user
     on PPSD initialization
   * New polarization analysis methods: flinn, vidale, pm
 - obspy.station:
   * add plotting methods (response/bode, location maps) to
     Inventory/Station/Channel/Response objects (see #750)
   * add get_coordinates method to inventory and network objects (see #740)
   * read/write support for DataAvailability tags in StationXML files.
   * write support for SACPZ ASCII representation of channel responses.
 - obspy.taup:
   * Replaced Fortran implementation with much more powerful Python port of
     Java TauP. This enabled us to drop all Fortran code, which simplifies
     releases and builds tremendously.
 - obspy.xseed:
   * add support for Poles and Zeros type "B" (Analog, Hz), see #899
 - obspy.zmap:
   * New module which adds ZMAP read/write support
 - scripts:
   * All scripts now require argparse instead of optparse.
   * All scripts now accept -V or --version to print version information.
   * obspy-dataless2xseed: -v and --version options are renamed to -x and
     --xml-version to not conflict with above option.
   * obspy-indexer: Options have been modified or amended slightly:
     * --data is a new alias to -d.
     * --db-uri is a new alias to -u.
     * --log is a new alias to -l.
     * --poll-interval is a new alias to -i.
     * --recent is a new alias to -r.
     * -a is a new alias to --all-files.
     * -f is a new alias to --force-reindex.
     * -H is a new alias to --host.
     * -p is a new alias to --port.
     * --check_duplicates is renamed to --check-duplicates.
     * --drop_database is renamed to --drop-database.
     * --mapping_file is renamed to --mapping-file.
     * --run_once is renamed to --run-once.
   * obspy-mopad: Options have been modified or amended slightly:
     * convert subcommand:
       * No changes.
     * decompose subcommand:
       * --input_system is renamed to --input-system.
       * --output_system is renamed to --output-system.
     * gmt subcommand:
       * --show_1fp is renamed to --show-1fp.
       * --show_isotropic_part is renamed to --show-isotropic-part.
     * plot subcommand:
       * --basis_vectors is renamed to --basis-vectors.
       * --full_sphere is renamed to --full-sphere.
       * --input_system is renamed to --input-system.
       * --lines_only is renamed to --lines-only.
       * --output_file is renamed to --output-file.
       * --pa_system is renamed to --pa-system.
       * --pressure_colour is renamed to --pressure-colour.
       * --show1fp is renamed to --show-1fp.
       * --show_isotropic_part is renamed to --show-isotropic-part.
       * --tension_colour is renamed to --tension-colour.
   * obspy-plot: --format option is accepted as an alias of -f.
   * obspy-print: Options have been modified or amended slightly:
     * --format is a new alias of -f.
     * --nomerge is renamed to --no-merge.
   * obspy-runtests: -a option is accepted as an alias of --all.
   * obspy-scan: Options have been modified or amended slightly:
     * --endtime is renamed to --end-time.
     * --event-times is renamed to --event-time. --event-time may be specified
       multiple times.
     * --ids is renamed to --id. --id may be specified multiple times.
     * --nox is renamed to --no-x.
     * --nogaps is renamed to --no-gaps.
     * --starttime is renamed to --start-time.
Assets 2