This is a maintenance release and contains the collective bug fixes and minor
feature improvements of around 150 commits so we advice all users to upgrade.
- general:
* fix installation on CygWin (see #755)
- obspy.core:
* bugfix: Input/Output to/from QuakeML was missing Amplitude
elements (see #763)
* fixing very slow response removal for some magic bad values of npts
(see #715)
* extend remove_response for polynomial responses
(thanks to Sebastien/bonaime, see #566)
- obspy.datamark:
* bugfix: channel code now correctly read (4 hex char)
* bugfix: channels can have different sampling rate
* improvement: datawide 0.5 (4 bits) encoding now supported
* century of data can now be specified
- obspy.fdsn:
* time out errors get raised properly now. timeout can be specified at
Client initialization now. (see #717)
* for advanced users: endpoints of any particular service can now be
specified explicitly (see #754)
* new known FDSN providers: 'ORFEUS', 'GFZ', 'NERIES'
* more robust WADL parser
* the `attach_response=True` argument now uses a faster approach to
download the station data
- obspy.imaging:
* Fixing waveform plotting.
- obspy.sac:
* SAC files with two digit year header field are now interpreted as
"19xx", same as done by SAC (see #779)
- obspy.seedlink:
* bugfix: different instances of a SeedLink connection had a shared
state (see #561)
* multiple smaller bugfixes (see #777)
* trailing null characters are now stripped from INFO responses (see #778)
- obspy.seg2:
* numbers are now also recognized as months
* now filters non-printable chars from the header enabling it to read some
more files
- obspy.signal:
* the TF misfits now correctly use logarithmic axes instead of scaling an
- obspy.station:
* some bugfixes in the obspy.station object classes (see #710)
* more robust writing of StationXML in case of missing elements
- obspy.taup:
* bugfix: avoid a bug that caused multiple calls to taup to result in
spurious unexpected results (see #728)