The project consist in implementation for parse log the Game Quake. Example line log register in file:
21:42 Kill: 1022 2 22: <world> killed Isgalamido by MOD_TRIGGER_HURT
The project implemented a gem file for easy install and run parse log.
- Ruby 2.7
- Rspec - Lasted version
You need run the commands lines below in your terminal
$ gem build quake-log.gemspec
After you executed build the output should similar to:
Successfully installed quake-log-0.0.1
Parsing documentation for quake-log-0.0.1
Done installing documentation for quake-log after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
For installation you need run the command
gem install quake-log-0.0.1.gem
Now you can use lib in your terminal via irb.
For return all information about games run command line:
$ ruby lib/main.rb
The result should similar to:
"game_1": {
"total_kills": 45,
"players": ["Dono da bola", "Isgalamido", "Zeh"],
"kills": {
"Dono da bola": 5,
"Isgalamido": 18,
"Zeh": 20
For return specific game run command:
$ ruby lib/main.rb -g game_11
The result should similar to:
"game_11": {
"total_kills": 45,
"players": ["Dono da bola", "Isgalamido", "Zeh"],
"kills": {
"Dono da bola": 5,
"Isgalamido": 18,
"Zeh": 20
For return specific game with reasons of killeds:
$ ruby lib/main.rb -g game_11 -k
"game_11": {
"kill_by_means": {
Install rspec with command line:
$ gem install rspec
For execute units tests run command line:
$ cd spec/; rspec
The result should simitar to example below:
Finished in 0.00056 seconds (files took 0.03862 seconds to load)
0 examples, 0 failures