I'm Rushika Pandya and I'm a second year MS Bioinformatics student. As a part of Applied Human Computational Genomics (AHCG) 2017, we are developing a variant calling pipeline for genomic data analysis.
Our mission is to device liquid biopsy kit to for non-invasive early detection of cancer
Our project involves involves integrating wet lab and bioinformatics aspects of cancer detection. The pipeline that we have developed is for the bioinformatics analysis following the wet lab steps of exoDNA sequencing. We aim to optimize liquid biopsy variant calling pipelines making it more sensitive to rare variants and allow the detection and evaluation of somatic variants in early cancer stages.
Goal: Build variant calling pipeline for genomic data analysis to detect low frequency variants from liquid biopsy
The final version of the pipeline (v.1.0.8) is downloadable at link
- Input: Exome Sequence Data
- In-built auto retrieval of sample from SRA
- Variant filtering by quality and depth (QUAL>=30 and DP>=25)
- Calculates median, average, and max coverage of genes
- Detects copy number variants (CNVs) using ControlFreec
- Output: VCF file of variants & Summary result of CNVs
mkdir -p data/reads data/reference data/adapters output
./ahcg_pipeline_v1.0.8.py -c config_file.txt
./ahcg_pipeline.py -h
- Python3 - version 3.4.1
- Trimmomatic - version 0.36
- Bowtie2 - version 2.3.2
- Picard tools - version 2.11.0 (Note: Java Version 1.8 is required to run Picard)
- GATK - version 3.8
- Samtools - version 1.6
- Control-Freec version 11.0
- R Language version 3.3.2
Reference genomes can be downloaded from Illumina iGenomes Source: NCBI Build: GRCh38
FASTA index file is created using Samtools
samtools faidx reference.fa
FASTA sequence dictionary file is created using Picard
java -jar picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary R=reference O=dictionary
For the input data, one can specify the path to the sample file or provide the SRA id in the config file
Specify the path to sample SRA file using inputfiles
option in the config file
Specify the id of the sample SRA file (example: SRR948994) using the sraid
option in the config file to delegate the download of the sample files to the pipeline
The configuration file has two required sections [tools]
and [data]
in which the required software tools and input data are described. An additional optional section [freec-control]
can be included to specify options for the [control]
section of the configuration of the Control-FREEC tool.
Option | Description |
inputfiles |
List of paired end read files (comma sparated) |
geneset |
Path to the bed file with genes of interest to calculate coverage statistics |
outputdir |
Path to the output directory |
adapters |
Path to adapters fasta file to perform sequence trimming with Trimmomatic |
chrlenfile |
Path to file with chromosome lengths for Control-FREEC |
chrfiles |
Path to the directory with chromosomes fasta files for Control-FREEC |
dbsnp |
Path to dbSNP vcf file for GATK |
index |
Path to the prefix of the reference Bowtie2 index |
reference |
Path to the reference genome fasta file |
Option | Description |
bowtie2 |
Path to Bowtie2 executable |
freec |
Path to Control-FREEC executable |
gatk |
Path to GATK jar file |
makegraph |
Path to Control-FREEC makeGraph.R script (Usually in the folder scripts at the Control-FREEC root dir) |
picard |
Path to Picard jar file |
samtools |
Path to Samtools executable |
trimmomatic |
Path to Trimmomatic jar file |
Optional section for Control-FREEC's config file control
section parameters
Option | Description |
mateFile | Path to file to act as control of the current sample. See control-FREEC manual for details> |
inputFormat | Format of mateFile (SAM, BAM, pileup and others. See control-FREEC manual for details)> |
mateOrientation | Orientation of reads in mateFile. 0 - single ends), RF - Illumina mate-pairs, FR - Illumina paired-ends), FF - SOLiD mate-pairs. See control-FREEC manual for details |
sraid = SRR1654210
geneset = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/guardant360/guardant360.refGene_hg38.genes.bed
outputdir = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/output5
adapters = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/bin/Trimmomatic-0.36/adapters/NexteraPE-PE.fa
chrlenfile = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/reference_genome/chromosomeSizes.txt
chrfiles = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/reference_genome/chroms/
dbsnp = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/reference_genome/GATKResourceBundle/dbsnp_146.hg38.vcf.gz
index = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/reference_genome/Bowtie2Index/genome
reference = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/reference_genome/genome.fa
assesssig = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/bin/FREEC/scripts/assess_significance.R
bowtie2 = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/bin/bowtie2-2.2.9/bowtie2
fastq-dump = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/bin/sratoolkit/bin/fastq-dump
freec = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/bin/FREEC/src/freec
gatk = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/bin/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.8-0-ge9d806836/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
java = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/bin/java-1.8/bin/java
makegraph = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/bin/FREEC/scripts/makeGraph.R
picard = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/bin/picard/picard.jar
samtools = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/bin/samtools-1.5/samtools
trimmomatic = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/bin/Trimmomatic-0.36/trimmomatic-0.36.jar
mateFile = /data2/AHCG2017FALL/output4/SRR2530741_1_trimmed_final.bam
inputFormat = BAM
mateOrientation = FR
Post variant calling using the pipeline we filtered the variants based on depth of coverage
cat Variants.vcf | java -jar path/to/SnpSift.jar filter "((QUAL >= 30) && (DP >= 25))" > Variants-Filtered.vcf
Click here for detailed steps to install and set-up your virtual box
Click here for detailed instructions on downloading exon co-ordinates from UCSC genome browser
Dr. Fredrik Vannberg and Cai Huang