I'm currently getting into WebDevelopment taking a course at neuefische. Most of my life I've studied linguistics and worked as a linguist doing research on African and other languages (e.g. the Khoisan language Nama/Khoekhoe in South Africa or the Bantoid language Mundabli in Cameroon). More recently I've taught German as a foreign language and gotten into coaching and social work. I have travelled a lot during my life. I have worked and lived in Namibia, London, South Africa, Cameroon, Paris, Leiden (NL) and in different German towns like Bonn, Regensburg and Leipzig.
In my free time I
- dance Blues and Lindy Hop
- go climbing
- hike
- spend time with my kids
- meet friends
My first flat in Leiden was on this beautiful Gracht (or actually on one that looks almost the same ;) ).
picture taken from www.vielweib.de