This source code accompanies the following papers:
- Exact Methods for Solving Traveling Salesman Problems with Pickup and Delivery in Real Time
- Integer Models for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Pickup and Delivery
- Decision Diagrams for Solving Traveling Salesman Problems with Pickup and Delivery in Real Time
The src/
directory contains C++14 source code for the various TSPPD models
used in the paper. All source is licensed under the ZIB Academic License, and
can only be used or referenced for academic purposes. There is no warranty and
your mileage may vary. See the file tsppd/LICENSE
Building tsppd
requires cmake
, clang
or g++
, and the following
- Boost >= 1.6.7
- Gecode 6.2.0
- Gurobi 8.1.1
In order to build it, create a directory called build and use cmake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If you don't have GIST support in your copy of Gecode, append "-DGIST=off" to the cmake invocation.
In the build succeeds, you should have a tsppd binary in your tsppd/build/
directory. You can run it against the problem instances using the -i
to specify the input data and -s
to specify the solver.
./tsppd -i <input file> -s <solver>
For example:
./tsppd -i file.tsp -s tsppd-enum
Help is available by using the -h
tsppd command line interface:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
-H [ --no-header ] do not print csv header line
-a [ --asymmetric ] asymmetric mode (.tsp only) -
upper triangular matrix = lower * U(0.7,1.3)
-s [ --solver ] arg solver slug
-i [ --input ] arg input tsplib file
-f [ --format ] arg output format: {human|csv} (default=human)
-r [ --random-seed ] arg random seed (default=0)
-n [ --random-size ] arg randomly generated instance with n pairs
-w [ --save ] arg save problem instance to (modifed) tsplib format
-o [ --solver-option ] arg solver option (e.g. foo=bar)
-p [ --threads ] arg threads (default=1)
-t [ --time-limit ] arg time limit in millis
-l [ --soln-limit ] arg stop after n solutions are found
Solver-specific options are passed using the -o flag. Multiple options can be
specified by using more than one -o flag (e.g. -o foo=bar -o baz=qux).
Solver-specific options follow. Not all of these are used in the papers.
Solvers denoted atsppd-*
use asymmetric integer formulations.
sec: subtour elimination constraint type
- cutset: x(delta(S)) >= 1
- subtour: sum { i,j in S } in x_{i,j} <= |S| - 1 (default)
relax: relax model and add sec as violated {on|off} (default=off)
sec: subtour elimination constraint type for relaxed models
- cutset: x(delta(S)) >= 1
- subtour: sum { i,j in S } in x_{i,j} <= |S| - 1 (default)
prec: relaxed prec form that uses x or y variables {x|y} (default=x)
relax: relax model, add sec and prec as violated {on|off} (default=off)
sec: subtour elimination constraint type for relaxed models
- cutset: x(delta(S)) >= 1
- subtour: sum { i,j in S } in x_{i,j} <= |S| - 1 (default)
- y: y_ij + x_ji + y_jk + y_ki <= 2
brancher: branching scheme {cn, regret, seq-cn} (default=regret)
dl: discrepancy limit (lds only)
filter: variable domain filtering mechanism (default=none)
- ap: assignment problem reduced cost propagator
- hk: 1-tree bound and marginal cost propagator
- aphk: additive bounding using ap + hk
- hkap: additive bounding using hk + ap
gist: enables interactive search tool (implies search=bab)
hk-iter: max iterations for hk 1-tree bound (default=10)
omc: order matching constraints (default=off)
precede: precedence propagator type {set, cost, all} (default=set)
search: search engine {bab, dfs, lds} (default=bab)
sec: subtour elimination constraint type
- cutset: x(delta(S)) >= 2
- subtour: sum { i,j in S } in x_{i,j} <= |S| - 1 (default)
- hybrid: subtour if |S| <= (N + 1) / 3, else cutset
tsppd-ruland+, atsppd-oneil+, atsppd-sarin+
warm-time: milliseconds spent in tsppd-focacci warm start
warm-soln: solution limit for warm start
When warm starting MIP using the CP solver, as in tsppd-ruland+
, tsppd-focacci
solver options are passed on to the CP solver.