Split large mbox files (from Mozilla Thunderbird) into smaller one
Options :
--mbox=<mbox_file> (required) The mbox file you want to inspect
--dry-run Do only a simulation, do not write anything
--compact Compact the mbox file (delete messages marked as "deleted")
--delete-older-than=yyyy-mm-dd Delete messages older than this date
--split-by=year|mounth|week|day Split the mbox file into separate files
--usage or --help Display this message
--quiet Don't print anything
perl mbox_spliter.pl --dry-run --mbox=c:/Thunderbird/Mail/Inbox
--compact --split-by=year
At the end the script print some statitics about the job done
Read 1393216 lines in 1 seconds
Found 431 messages
Compact 409 messages (94.9%)
Keep 67 messages (15.5%)
Moved 364 messages (84.5%)
42 messages ( 9.7%) into /home/foo/.Mail/Local Folders/Sent.sbd/2009
106 messages (24.6%) into /home/foo/.Mail/Local Folders/Sent.sbd/2014
63 messages (14.6%) into /home/foo/.Mail/Local Folders/Sent.sbd/2010
119 messages (27.6%) into /home/foo/.Mail/Local Folders/Sent.sbd/2013
1 messages ( 0.2%) into /home/foo/.Mail/Local Folders/Sent.sbd/2012
33 messages ( 7.7%) into /home/foo/.Mail/Local Folders/Sent.sbd/2011