These playbooks are designed to automate common "day two" OpenShift configuration tasks. This repo is still a work in progress.
The following capabilities are included:
Role | Capabilities |
acm-add-spoke | Add managed clusters to ACM. |
apiserver | Replace TLS certificate. |
ingress-operator | Replace default IngressController TLS certificate. Adjust replicas. Adjust pod placement and apply infrastructure node tolerations. |
install-operators | Create Namespace, OperatorGroup and Subscription resources for a list of operators. |
label-nodes | Assign a set of labels and taints to nodes. |
localvolumes | Use the Local Storage Operator to create LocalVolume resources and verify associated PersistentVolumes. |
namespaces | Create namespaces and assign appropriate labels. |
oauth-ldap | Configure the cluster OAuth resource to leverage LDAP. Assign a list of users the cluster-admin role. |
proxy | Create additional CA trust ConfigMap resource. Update cluster Proxy resource to include additional CA trust bundle. |
registry | Create registry PVC for persistent storage. Adjust replicas. Adjust pod placement and apply infrastructure node tolerations. |
sealed-secrets | Deploy Bitnami Labs "Sealed Secrets" for Kubernetes w/ custom TLS certificates. |
storagecluster | Verify OCS, Rook/Ceph and Noobaa operator deployments. Create StorageCluster resource (OCS deployment). Apply universal toleration for CSI DaemonSet resources. |
tls-secret | Create TLS Secret resources. |
worker-mcp | Create additional user defined worker MachineConfigPools (e.g. nfra and ocs). |
Each grouping of tasks is broken out into an Ansible role. See the invidual files for each role for more information on usage.
When using the oauth-ldap
role, you will need to create at least one vault (vault.yaml
) which supports the following variables:
Variable | Description |
oauth_ldap_bind_user | LDAP bind username |
oauth_ldap_bind_pass | LDAP bind password |
Example vault contents:
oauth_ldap_bind_user: uid=ocp-service-account,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=umbrella,dc=local
oauth_ldap_bind_pass: changeme
If you plan on customizing the TLS certificates in your cluster, create another vault (tls-secrets.yaml
for example) which supports the following variables:
Variable | Description |
tls_secrets | A set of dictionaries containing information about TLS certificates (name, key, certificate, labels, etc.) per cluster. |
Example vault contents (certificate and key data should already be base64 encoded):
- name: api-cert
namespace: openshift-config
crt: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiB...
key: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiB...
- name: wildcard-cert
namespace: openshift-ingress
crt: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiB...
key: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiB...
- name: sealed-secrets-custom-key
namespace: sealed-secrets
crt: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiB...
key: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiB...
- key:
value: active
- key: manager
value: controller
- key: operation
value: Update
Typically a minimal run will include the namespaces
and tls-secrets
roles. Here is an example with those roles plus the sealed-secrets
$ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -e @tls-secrets.yaml -e vars/cluster-name.yaml --tags namespaces,tls-secrets,sealed-secrets post-install.yaml