debug doodles ## Copyright Notice All content in this repository, including but not limited to code, text, and documentation, is the intellectual property of Sadaf Mirza and is protected under applicable copyright laws. No part of this repository may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Sadaf Mirza. If you wish to use or adapt any content from this repository, please contact [email protected].
Project Name: Debug Doodles
Project Description:
Debug Doodles is a web-based application where users can create and manage their own code repository, serving as a code dump for storing and sharing their programming challenges and solutions. The platform allows users to easily upload and execute JavaScript code, helping them keep track of their coding progress. The app provides a user-friendly interface with the ability to switch between login and signup states, ensuring secure access for each user.
Tech Stack:
Frontend: React.js for building the dynamic user interface, utilizing modern libraries such as react-toastify for notifications, react-router-dom for routing, and AOS for animations. Styling: Bootstrap and Bootstrap Icons for responsive and modern UI design. Database: Firebase Realtime Database for secure and scalable data storage, allowing users to store their account information and code snippets. Code Editing: CodeMirror integration to enable seamless in-browser code editing. This project leverages these technologies to provide an intuitive platform for coders to organize and store their coding projects in an easy-to-use environment.