Welcome to Pathfinding Visualizer! I built this application because I was fascinated by pathfinding algorithms, and I wanted to visualize them in action. I hope that you enjoy playing around with this visualization tool just as much as I enjoyed building it. You can access it here (use Google Chrome!): https://sadiqkhzn.github.io/Pathfinding-Visualizer/
This application supports the following algorithms:
Dijkstra's Algorithm (weighted): the father of pathfinding algorithms; guarantees the shortest path
A Search* (weighted): arguably the best pathfinding algorithm; uses heuristics to guarantee the shortest path much faster than Dijkstra's Algorithm
Greedy Best-first Search (weighted): a faster, more heuristic-heavy version of A*; does not guarantee the shortest path
Breath-first Search (unweighted): a great algorithm; guarantees the shortest path
Depth-first Search (unweighted): a very bad algorithm for pathfinding; does not guarantee the shortest path
On top of the pathfinding algorithms listed above, I implemented a Recursive Division Maze Generation algorithm