Urban areas face critical challenges like waste management inefficiency, traffic issues, and unsafe public spaces. At the same time, citizens often struggle to report such problems effectively. This leads to delayed resolutions, further deteriorating the environment and public well-being.
Shresta-City Insight aims to solve this by providing a platform for citizens to report civic issues like garbage on roads, traffic hazards, etc., ensuring timely action and reducing environmental impact.
Shresta-City Insight allows users to report issues, track resolutions, upload evidence (such as photos), and receive notifications about the progress of their complaints. It leverages Firebase for backend services, and Twilio for real-time SMS notifications, keeping users informed about their reports.
Check out the live demo of the platform Shresta City Insight
To get started with Shresta-City Insight 🚀, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine 💻.
Then, fork the repo 🍴 and clone it to your local machine: git clone https://github.com/sailaja-adapa/Shresta.git
Next, navigate to the project directory 📂: cd lekha
Install the dependencies 🔧: npm install
Finally, start the local server to run the project locally 🌍: npm start
This will launch the development server at: 👉 http://localhost:3000/ 🖥️
- Civic Issue Reporting: Report issues with real-time tracking.
- Secure User Authentication and Authorization.
- OTP Authentication using Firebase for secure user verification.
- Real-time Notifications via SMS using Twilio.
- Scalable Infrastructure with Firebase services.
The project aims to tackle social issues like waste management, civic improvements, and community-driven change.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.