Global update:
- Updated description and license for integration in Chum repository (easier installation, automatic resolution of dependencies, GUI store)
- Bumped version to avoid dep resolution issues
- README overhaul
- Fixed
- Added
- Fixed GUI typos
- Sane xsession defaults for xfce4 and onboard
- Added option to install i3 as WM and provide a good base configuration for it (keybindings (press
to see them), i3 bar, terminal, keyboard mapping, etc.) - New icon
- Back to qxcompositor instead of qxdisplay (dynamic orientation, no need to close the window to change orientation now!), with a fix to a bug that was showing Silica through some windows
- Update to
to enable sound in Arch (still work in progress for Debian)
New default settings with sane scaling and Onboard configuration (works in landscape too):
* Tue Aug 30 kabouik
- Default to us-intl and dead keys in i3 (easier to set up for users who want it in xfce4, so not default)
* Sun Aug 28 2022 kabouik
- Audio now working (volume is independent from the phone volume rocker, but can be changed from within the container)
* Fri Aug 26 2022 kabouik
- Configuration overhaul to tidy up and use external files instead of inline text changes from configure_desktop, which will allow users to use their own customized configuration files on new containers
* Tue Aug 24 2022 kabouik
- Add a script to install Arch-based distributions
- WM choice when installing (xfce4 or i3), should work for all supported types of distros (Arch, Debian)
- Better default configs for both WMs (scaling, right click (only in Arch), touch scrolling in Firefox)
- Possibility to run the script multiple times on a container without breaking things, with failsafes (to some extent)
- Prompts at important steps during install scripts (in case of overwriting config, or long compilations)
- New icon, better for small screens
- Custom wallpapers for Debian, Arch and Kali