This repo contain list of questions/exercises that need to be completed in order to have skill assessment done
Based on your position and skill please select one of the below and complete it
- GIT knowledge
- IDE (VSCode - MS Visual studio - Eclipse - WebStorm - etc)
- Create a private/public repository on github
- Develope the solution on your local machine
- Submit the code
- (optional) you can use your project readme file to describe your logic
Local machine prerequisites:
- Java 8 - 11 or OpenJDK 8 - 11
- Senior Java Developer
- Senior Flutter UI Developer
Spring Boot is an extension of the Spring Framework that helps developers build simple and web-based applications quickly, with less code.
This competency area includes configuring a Spring MVC application, Basics of the Spring framework, working with REST APIs, writing a unit test for a simple application, among others.
- Configure a Spring MVC application - Configuring a Spring MVC application using Spring Boot.
- Basics of the Spring framework - Using dependency injection, inversion of control, and application context.
- Build Simple REST APIs - Set up a web server, build REST APIs, perform CRUD operations, serve resources.
- Bootstrap a simple application using Spring Initializr - Generating a basic Spring Boot project structure with a Maven build specification.
- Utilize the Spring Boot CLI and Groovy to create an application - Writing a Groovy script and running via the Spring Boot CLI to author a simple RESTful API.
- Configure an application to run in multiple environments - Configuring an application to run in multiple environments (e.g. DEV, QA, or PROD) using Spring Boot Profiles.
- Generate an auto-configuration report - Generating Spring Boot’s auto-configuration report in order to boost productivity when developing applications.
- Write a unit test for a simple application - Enabling testing in a Spring Boot project and writing unit and integration tests.
Spring Boot is an extension of the Spring Framework that helps developers build simple and web-based applications quickly, with less code.
This competency area includes using Spring Boot’s auto-configuration, packaging, and deploying a simple application, implementing exception handling, among others.
Access data from a database using Spring Boot - This competency area includes using Spring Boot’s auto-configuration to access data from an H2 database within a simple application.
Develop a RESTful API - Using Spring Boot and its annotations to configure and develop a more robust RESTful API.
Deploy an application to a Tomcat server - Packaging and deploying a simple application using an embedded Tomcat server.
Implement exception handling - Implementing exception handling and utilizing Spring Boot’s options for customizing error responses.
Configure logging and set logging levels - Utilizing Spring Boot to set up a logging object and configure it to log different types (e.g. INFO, TRACE, and DEBUG) of messages.
Spring Boot is an extension of the Spring Framework that helps developers build simple and web-based applications quickly, with less code.
Build GraphQL server - Using Spring Boot to build a GraphQL server to expose APIs for retrieving, creating, updating, and deleting data.
Enable Spring Boot Actuator to track metrics - Enabling the Spring Boot Actuator to track application metrics to assist with production support and application monitoring.
Generate API documentation for a Spring Boot RESTful API - Generating API documentation for a Spring Boot RESTful API using Swagger.
Define a Spring Boot Filter - Defining a custom filter with the help of Spring Boot.
Run a Spring Boot application inside a Docker container - Running a standalone Spring Boot application within a Docker container.
Add internationalization to a Spring Boot application - Enabling a Spring Boot application to adapt to different languages.