OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, open geographic database updated and maintained by a community of volunteers via open collaboration. Contributors collect data from surveys, trace from aerial imagery and also import from other freely licensed geodata sources.
Link to OpenStreetMap:folium
builds on the data wrangling strengths of the Python ecosystem and the mapping strength of the leaflet.js
library. Manipulate data with Python, then visualize it on a Leaflet map via folium
Link to folium
In this repository, I collect data of medical facilities (hospital, clinic, doctor, dentist, and pharmacy) in Bali province, Indonesia. The data contains 4 atrributes: name of the medical facility, type, and coordinates in latitude and longitude. The scraped data is saved in a csv file and then displayed in simple html page.
Visualize the area of interest with library folium
If we search keyword "hospital in Bali"
in OpenStreetMap, the result will be like this:
Here, I will collect data of medical facilities consisting clinics, dentists, doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies.
I use 3 libraries for scraping data:
for manipulating and analyzing data,requests
to make and process HTTP requests,json
to parse JSON into dictionary or list.
API link for OpenStreetMap:
Query for searching medical-facilities in Bali, Indonesia:
(area['name:id'='Provinsi Bali'];
There are 2 output files from this project:
- A CSV file contains data of medical facilities in Bali.
- An HTML page contains map for visualizing the data.
Since github can't render html page correctly, I put the final output of this code in my blog here.