SFCraft is a fabric mod tailored for the Minecraft server of the same name, including many fixes, features and other functionality.
It is not recommended to use this mod on your server without proper configuration!!
This project is open source to allow players to contribute. Contribution GUIDE
You may also need our source if you're implementing some of the features listed below.
- Hybrid offline & online authentication: Check ServerLoginNetworkHandlerMixin
- Worldwide regions, which divide the server into multiple "rooms" with data strictly isolated: See this blog The implementation is mainly in subserver
- Server-side entities, the custom entities, but tied to the vanilla module: Check and look for references to [SFEntityType] (src/main/java/io/ib67/sfcraft/SFEntityType.java)
- .. and more.
Besides the above, there are also many tiny features in the module package.
SFCraft is a whitelisted Minecraft server. To join us, contact @ib67_pm_bot in telegram (We chat in Chinese.)