The following are the instructions for running the project. This project runs requires python 3.9.
Use the package manager pipenv to install the project, and configure environment vars:
pipenv install
export DEBUG=true
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=optimhiretest.settings
Activate virtual environment:
pipenv shell
Then go to src folder, and run the project via runserver command:
python runserver
The API is now running on Port 8000 at localhost.
You can test the API using postman, you can import it from the project or run it directly from: here
You'll find 7 requests inside the collection:
Create a room with N capacity
POST /api/room/
"capacity": 46
List all created rooms
GET /api/room/
List all public events
POST /api/room/{room-id}/event/
path params: "room-id" id of the room where the event is going to be created
"date": "2022-08-27",
"type": "public"
List all public events
GET /api/room/event
Create a booking for a place in a public event
POST /api/room/{room-id}/event/{event-id}/book/?customer_id={customer-id}
path params:
"room-id" the id of the room
"event-id" the id of the event
"customer-id" an identifier for a customer
"requested_capacity": 300
List all booked places
GET /api/room/event/book/
Cancel a Place that's already booked
DELETE /api/room/event/book/{book-id}/?customer_id={customer-id}