- Next.js/React
- TailwindCSS (maybe ChakraUI)
- Redis
- PostgreSQL
- TypeGraphQl
- Apollo
- username
- password
- reviews (Review[])
- score (out of 5, in half increments)
- likes (int)
- title
- description
- for every record (Review, Reading List) save the bookWorkKey, cover_i, author, book title
- this will make it easier to grab data from the book api after the search call
User searches for a book
- gets multiple results
user picks a result and either rates it on the spot or adds it to the reading list
- regardless of decision, we will store the above info so that the only calls to the openlibrary api will be for cover images and initial search results.
- this should help with stronger typing across the app:
- books will then have (at least): bookTitle, cover image, author, workKey. Possible description but that seems to often be missing in the API