- Kolkata
- 5h30m ahead - in/sampreet-chakraborty-087b31b0
AlmaBetter Capstone Project -Classification model to predict the sentiment of COVID-19 tweets. The tweets have been pulled from Twitter and manual tagging has been done then.
AlmaBetter Capstone Project -Machine Learning Project type: Regression. Sales forecasting is an approach retailers use to anticipate future sales by analyzing past sales, identifying trends, and pr…
AlmaBetter Capstone Project - Unsupervised ML: Netflix Movies And Tv Shows Clustering This project is a part of the Almabetter Pro Program Curriculum(Full Stack Data Science)
AlmaBetter Capstone Project -Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is used by data scientists to analyze and investigate data sets and summarize their main characteristics, often employing data visualiza…