Smart Document Scanner is software which takes traditional documents as images and recognizes data from it then represents it in a meaningful manner. Traditional way of scanning documents and adding manual data entry is slow and error prone. To reduce man power and faster the process of scanning documents we created Smart Document Scanner.
Smart Document Scanner takes the document as image crop document from it, identifies type of document, then based type of document retrieves data from it where coordinates of data field are pre-store in JSON file.
- Flask (micro web framework of connecting user interface with core logic)
- Cv2 (for image processing algorithms)
- Pytesseract (optical character recognition)
- Numpy (manipulate images used along with numpy)
- Json (store property of documents)
- Re (secret labs' regular expression engine)
- Difflib (helpers for computing deltas between objects)
- Os (accessing and creating images and directory)
- Sultan (for using zenity file dialog)
- Peewee (ORM for sqlite)
- Datetime (Accessing date and time)
- Flask_cors (for handling CROS support)
- VueJs 2 (model–view–viewmodel front end JavaScript framework)
- Bulma css (UI kit)
- Axion (Promise based HTTP client for the browser)
- Material Icon (icon pack)
- Zenity (fill selection dialog)
- Sqlite (database)
- Tesseract (OCR)
Python 3 Installation Inside terminal:
$ sudo apt-get install python3.*
Install following python dependency
$ pip install Flask
$ pip install opencv-python
$ pip install pytesseract
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install sultan
$ pip install peewee
$ pip install flask-cors
$ sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
$ sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-guj
$ sudo apt-get install sqlite3
git clone
cd smart-document-scanner
flask run
open URL on browser.
Aghera Manan, Baraiya Sameep
Prof. (Dr.) Vipul Dabhi - Associate Professor & Head, IT Dept., DDU
System Design Practice - Information Technology - Sem VI Dharmsinh Desai University
flask, peewee, opencv, pyimagesearch, flask-cors, sultan, tesseract, stackoverflow