In order to speed up writes, ActiveFedora 7 depends on Solr autocommits. You must add a block like this to your solrconfig.xml or commits may be lost when you restart solr: https://github.com/projecthydra/active_fedora/blob/f2b1fd092889cfefdffcb5d63a9fc1fd87e7242a/lib/generators/active_fedora/config/solr/templates/solr_conf/conf/solrconfig.xml#L19-L68
Incorporates changes necessary to support
- hydra-head v7.0.2 - release notes
- active-fedora v7.0.2 - release notes
- Blacklight v5.4.0 - release notes
The active-fedora update incorporate enhanced support for RDF in anticipation for Fedora 4.0
The blacklight update incorporates support for bootstrap 3.0
For full details, please see the individual dependency release notes.