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Contributing New Vocabularies

David Chandek-Stark edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 8 revisions

Vocabulary Subject Matter

The rdf-vocab project has set no limits on vocabularies to include in the project; each vocabulary is considered on a case-by-case basis. In making decisions about whether to expand or change the library, we intend to conduct ourselves in accordance with Hydra Community principles.

Submission Procedures

It is preferable to propose the submission of a new vocabulary by submitting a pull request rather than creating an issue. Please review the contributing guidelines for more detailed procedural information and license requirements.

Things You Should Do

If the vocabulary class can successfully be generated from the original source URL

  • Add a section to the configuration file following the example(s) in the comments. Please insert the new entry alphabetically by key. Confirm that the configuration entry is correct by checking for the presence of a rake task for generating the vocabulary:
$ rake -T vocab:
  • If the vocabulary class has not already been generated, run the rake task to generate the vocab and save the output to a file (use Ruby conventions in choosing the file name):
$ rake vocab:acl > lib/rdf-vocab/vocab/acl.rb
  • Update the Vocabularies section of the README file. Insert the new vocabulary alphabetically in the list following the existing pattern. Provide a link to a human-readable landing page for the vocabulary (not normally the URL of the vocabulary source).

If the vocabulary class CANNOT be generated from the original source URL


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