Live Demo -
Note:- Features are listed at the bottom
Description - This appication is an attempt to clone the functionalites of the Discord web version.
Front end-
- React.js
- React MUI
Back-end -
- Node.js
- Express
Database -
- Mongodb
- Azure for Image storage
- Login and Registration
- OTP Verification
- Realtime sending and accepting requests dashboard and To check pending requests and all friends
- A tag system which lets users have same username but differs them using a autogenerated tag eg. 0001 , so if 2 people have name for eg. 'SPidy' then they have different tags like #0001 and #0002
- Create Server with diffrent templates:-
- School Club
- Custom Server
- Gaming Server
- Add a profile pic for server
- Create more Channels and categories in exisiting servers
- Invite people to Server
- Kept in mind that if a user is already in the server it shouldn't add again
- Chat on Servers
- Server Roles - 'Creator' and 'Member'
- Delete Server (Only Creator can delete the server)
- Leave Server - (Member can only leave the server)
- An auth to check if a user is allowed in a particular server or not if he/she gets the url of that server somehow and try to enter in it directly