Dobby is your personal house elf. He's always busy and watches your vaults on the DeFiChain.
You can setup as much vaults as you want, each with a custom amount of trigger points for notifications.
Dobby can inform you via mail, telegram message or a webhook. More notification gateways will be released in future.
- MariaDB/MySQL
- Redis
- PHP 8.0
- NPM & Quasar
- Mailserver, if you want to receive notifications by mail
- Telegram Bot, if you want to receive notifications on telegram. Add the bot secret in the .env after the instance setup. To receive the secret, be kind to the BotFather.
- checkout the repo
- install frontend dependencies with
npm install && cd web_app && yarn install
- create the webviews with
cd web_app && quasar build && cd .. && npm run production
- install php dependencies with
composer install
- create copy of the environment file
cp .env.example .env
, then add your redis/database credentials - create an app secret with
php artisan key:generate
- migrate the database with
php artisan migrate