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list remaining 'unknown' and 'number' items. #93
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funderburkjim committed Apr 4, 2023
1 parent 4104d8b commit 2a9da63
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Showing 3 changed files with 335 additions and 0 deletions.
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions pwkissues/issue93/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
""" list the details
import sys,re,codecs
## This required by git bash to avoid error
## UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec cannot encode characters
## when run in a git bash script.


class LSCase(object):
def __init__(self,ls,abbrev,metaline,iline,line): = ls
self.abbrev = abbrev
self.metaline = metaline
self.iline = iline
self.line = line
self.parmstr = ls[len(abbrev):].strip()
if self.parmstr == '':
self.nparms = 0
self.nparms = len(self.parmstr.split(' '))
self.len = len(self.parmstr)

def lscase_out(lscase,ilscase):
outarr = []
case = ilscase + 1
#outarr.append('; TODO Case %s: (reason = %s)' % (case,lscase.reason))
ident = re.sub(r'<k2>.*$','',lscase.metaline)
if ident == None:
ident =
outarr.append('; %s' % ident)
outarr.append('; problem with: %s'
lnum = lscase.iline + 1
line = lscase.line
new = line
outarr.append('%s old %s' % (lnum,line))
outarr.append('; correction: ?')
outarr.append('%s new %s' % (lnum,new))
# dummy next line
return outarr

def write_lscases(fileout,lscases):
with,"w","utf-8") as f:
for idx,lscase in enumerate(lscases):
outarr = lscase_out(lscase,idx)
for out in outarr:
print(len(lscases),"cases written to",fileout)

class Tooltip(object):
def __init__(self,line):
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
# pwg has code, abbrevUpper, abbrevLower,tip
self.code,self.abbrev,self.abbrevlo,self.tip = line.split('\t') = 0

def init_tooltip(filein):
with,"r","utf-8") as f:
ans = [Tooltip(x) for x in f]
print(len(ans),'tooltips from',filein)
return ans

def dfirstchar(tooltips_sorted):
d = {}
for tip in tooltips_sorted:
c = tip.abbrev[0]
if c not in d:
d[c] = []
return d

def findtip(ls,tiplist):
for tip in tiplist:
if ls.startswith(tip.abbrev):
return tip
return None

def count_tips(lines,tipd,numbertip,unknowntip):
lscases = [] # return array of LSCase objecct
metaline = None
imetaline1 = None
page = None
for iline,line in enumerate(lines):
if iline == 0: # %***This File is E:\\APTE.ALL, Last update 11.09.06
continue #
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
if line == '':
if line.startswith('<L>'):
metaline = line
imetaline1 = iline+1
entry = [] # list of LSCase appearing in this entry
if line == '<LEND>':
if len(entry)>0:
metaline = None
imetaline = None
if line.startswith('[Page'):
page = line
for m in re.finditer(r'<ls([^>]*)>([^<]*)</ls>',line):
attrib =
elt =
if len(elt) == 0:
print('WARNING at line %s %s' % (iline+1,metaline))
print('ls = ',
tip = unknowntip = + 1
m1 =' +n="(.*?)"',attrib)
if m1 != None:
nval =
elt = nval + ' ' + elt
if'^[0-9]',elt): # number
tip = numbertip
elif elt[0] not in tipd:
tip = unknowntip
tiplist = tipd[elt[0]]
tip = findtip(elt,tiplist)
if tip == None:
tip = unknowntip
# found a match
if not (tip in (unknowntip,numbertip)):
continue # only interested in unknown or number tips
lscase = LSCase(elt,tip.abbrev,metaline,iline,line)

print(len(lscases),'cases found')
return lscases

if __name__=="__main__":

filein = sys.argv[1] # xxx.txt (path to digitization of xxx)
filetip = sys.argv[2] # pwgbib_input.txt
fileout = sys.argv[3] # output summary
tips0 = init_tooltip(filetip)
tips = sorted(tips0,key = lambda tip: len(tip.abbrev),reverse=True)
tipd = dfirstchar(tips)
# dummy for number
numbertip = Tooltip("9.1\tNUMBER\tnumber\tls starts with number")
# dummy for unknown
unknowntip = Tooltip("9.2\tUNKNOWN\tunknown\tls is unknown")

with,"r","utf-8") as f:
lines = [x.rstrip('\r\n') for x in f]
lscases = count_tips(lines,tipd,numbertip,unknowntip)

168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions pwkissues/issue93/ls_num_and_unknown.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
; <L>1792<pc>1021-3<k1>atideSya
; problem with: S. 7.
8355 old {#atideSya#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> {%zu übertragen , auszudehnen auf%} <ls>NYĀYAM. 7,2,1.</ls> Davon <ab>Nom.abstr.</ab> {#°tva#} <lex>n.</lex> <ls>S. 7.</ls>
; correction: ?
8355 new {#atideSya#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> {%zu übertragen , auszudehnen auf%} <ls>NYĀYAM. 7,2,1.</ls> Davon <ab>Nom.abstr.</ab> {#°tva#} <lex>n.</lex> <ls>S. 7.</ls>
; <L>5783<pc>1068-3<k1>anvIkzaRa
; problem with: S. 3,Z. 4
26421 old {#anvIkzaRa#}¦ <lex>n.</lex> {%das Untersuchen , Nachforschen%} <ls>NYĀYAS.</ls> <ab>Comm.</ab> <ls>S. 3,Z. 4</ls> <ab>v.u.</ab>
; correction: ?
26421 new {#anvIkzaRa#}¦ <lex>n.</lex> {%das Untersuchen , Nachforschen%} <ls>NYĀYAS.</ls> <ab>Comm.</ab> <ls>S. 3,Z. 4</ls> <ab>v.u.</ab>
; <L>5784<pc>1068-3<k1>anvIkzA
; problem with: S. 3,Z. 4
26427 old <div n="1">— 2) {%Untersuchung , logische Prüfung%} <ls>NYĀYAS.</ls> <ab>Comm.</ab> <ls>S. 3,Z. 4</ls> <ab>v.u.</ab>
; correction: ?
26427 new <div n="1">— 2) {%Untersuchung , logische Prüfung%} <ls>NYĀYAS.</ls> <ab>Comm.</ab> <ls>S. 3,Z. 4</ls> <ab>v.u.</ab>
; <L>6449<pc>1075-3<k1>apArayant
; problem with: II,42,14.
29449 old <ls>II,42,14.</ls>
; correction: ?
29449 new <ls>II,42,14.</ls>
; <L>7213<pc>1084-2<k1>aBadra
; problem with: 1,31,13.
32841 old {#aBadra#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> {%unheilvoll ; <lex>n.</lex> Unheil%} <ls>GAUT. 9,20.</ls> <ls>ĀPAST.</ls> bei <ls>KULL.</ls> zu <ls>M. 4,139</ls> ; anders der <ab>gedr.</ab> Text <ls>1,31,13.</ls>
; correction: ?
32841 new {#aBadra#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> {%unheilvoll ; <lex>n.</lex> Unheil%} <ls>GAUT. 9,20.</ls> <ls>ĀPAST.</ls> bei <ls>KULL.</ls> zu <ls>M. 4,139</ls> ; anders der <ab>gedr.</ab> Text <ls>1,31,13.</ls>
; <L>9863<pc>1116-1<k1>arh
; problem with: II,72,5.
45539 old <div n="p">— Mit {#aBi#}, {#aByarhita#} <ab>Partic.</ab> <ab>Caus.</ab> {%sehr hoch geehrt%} <ls>KĀD. 234,22.</ls> {%höher geehrt%} <ls>II,72,5.</ls> {%würdiger , höher in Ansehen stehend , grösseres Gewicht habend als (<ab>Abl.</ab>%}) <ls>ŚAṂK. zu BĀDAR. 2,2,1.</ls>
; correction: ?
45539 new <div n="p">— Mit {#aBi#}, {#aByarhita#} <ab>Partic.</ab> <ab>Caus.</ab> {%sehr hoch geehrt%} <ls>KĀD. 234,22.</ls> {%höher geehrt%} <ls>II,72,5.</ls> {%würdiger , höher in Ansehen stehend , grösseres Gewicht habend als (<ab>Abl.</ab>%}) <ls>ŚAṂK. zu BĀDAR. 2,2,1.</ls>
; <L>10401<pc>1122-2<k1>avaDi
; problem with: II,42,14.
48063 old <div n="1">— 2) {%Grenze , Grenzpunkt%} <ls>ŚAT. BR. 8,7,2,12.</ls> {%das Non plus ultra%} <ls>PRASANNAR. 57,17.</ls> <ls>BĀLAR. 253,13.</ls> <ls>KĀD. 139,12.</ls> <ls>II,42,14.</ls> {%First , Termin%} <ls>BHĀVAPR. 3,17.</ls> <ls>MEGH. 84.</ls> {#°avaDi#} <ab>Acc.</ab> und {#avaDes#} (nach einem <ab>Gen.</ab> Oer am Ende eines Comp.) <ab>Abl.</ab> <ab>Adv.</ab> {%bis.%} {#mAsatrayAvaDi#}. <ab>Adv.</ab> {%drei Monate lang.%}
; correction: ?
48063 new <div n="1">— 2) {%Grenze , Grenzpunkt%} <ls>ŚAT. BR. 8,7,2,12.</ls> {%das Non plus ultra%} <ls>PRASANNAR. 57,17.</ls> <ls>BĀLAR. 253,13.</ls> <ls>KĀD. 139,12.</ls> <ls>II,42,14.</ls> {%First , Termin%} <ls>BHĀVAPR. 3,17.</ls> <ls>MEGH. 84.</ls> {#°avaDi#} <ab>Acc.</ab> und {#avaDes#} (nach einem <ab>Gen.</ab> Oer am Ende eines Comp.) <ab>Abl.</ab> <ab>Adv.</ab> {%bis.%} {#mAsatrayAvaDi#}. <ab>Adv.</ab> {%drei Monate lang.%}
; <L>14177<pc>1167-3<k1>Atman
; problem with: II,112,18.
65717 old <div n="1">— 3) {%das Selbst , die eigene Person.%} Häufig in der Function eines Pron. reflex. {#AtmanA - akarot#} {%ipse fecit%} <ls>KĀD. 27,21.</ls> <ls>II,112,18.</ls> {#saMstamBayAtmAnamAtmanA#} {%ipsum ipse%} <ls>R. GORR. 2,53,38.</ls> {#Atma/n#} <ab>Loc.</ab> mit {#DA#} oder {#kar#} {%in sich aufnehmen , sich aneignen.%}
; correction: ?
65717 new <div n="1">— 3) {%das Selbst , die eigene Person.%} Häufig in der Function eines Pron. reflex. {#AtmanA - akarot#} {%ipse fecit%} <ls>KĀD. 27,21.</ls> <ls>II,112,18.</ls> {#saMstamBayAtmAnamAtmanA#} {%ipsum ipse%} <ls>R. GORR. 2,53,38.</ls> {#Atma/n#} <ab>Loc.</ab> mit {#DA#} oder {#kar#} {%in sich aufnehmen , sich aneignen.%}
; <L>14934<pc>1177-1<k1>ApiYjara
; problem with: II,98,4.
69341 old <div n="1">— 1) <lex>Adj.</lex> (<lex>f.</lex> {#A#}) {%röthlich , gelbröthlich%} <ls>KĀD. 11,15.</ls> <ls>II,98,4.</ls>
; correction: ?
69341 new <div n="1">— 1) <lex>Adj.</lex> (<lex>f.</lex> {#A#}) {%röthlich , gelbröthlich%} <ls>KĀD. 11,15.</ls> <ls>II,98,4.</ls>
; <L>17967<pc>1219-2<k1>utkaRwakita
; problem with: II,70,17. 79,10. 121,23.
84777 old {#utkaRwakita#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> {%mit aufgerichteten Dornen , — Härchen%} <ls>KĀD. 253,8.</ls> <ls>II,70,17. 79,10. 121,23.</ls>
; correction: ?
84777 new {#utkaRwakita#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> {%mit aufgerichteten Dornen , — Härchen%} <ls>KĀD. 253,8.</ls> <ls>II,70,17. 79,10. 121,23.</ls>
; <L>18210<pc>1222-2<k1>uttarala
; problem with: II,10,8.
85928 old {#uttarala#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> {%aufzuckend , erzitternd%} <ls>BĀLAR. 84,10.</ls> <ls>KĀD. 246,10.</ls> <ls>II,10,8.</ls>
; correction: ?
85928 new {#uttarala#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> {%aufzuckend , erzitternd%} <ls>BĀLAR. 84,10.</ls> <ls>KĀD. 246,10.</ls> <ls>II,10,8.</ls>
; <L>18445<pc>1225-2<k1>utpIqa
; problem with: II,125,15.
87036 old <div n="1">— 1) {%das Drücken , Druck%} <ls>KĀD. 91,17.</ls> <ls>II,125,15.</ls>
; correction: ?
87036 new <div n="1">— 1) {%das Drücken , Druck%} <ls>KĀD. 91,17.</ls> <ls>II,125,15.</ls>
; <L>19232<pc>1235-1<k1>udvAhinI
; problem with: 772
90933 old {#*udvAhinI#}¦ <lex>f.</lex> {%Strick%} <ab>Med.</ab> <lex>n.</lex> <ls>772</ls> fehlerhaft für {#udvAhanI#}.
; correction: ?
90933 new {#*udvAhinI#}¦ <lex>f.</lex> {%Strick%} <ab>Med.</ab> <lex>n.</lex> <ls>772</ls> fehlerhaft für {#udvAhanI#}.
; <L>19875<pc>1243-1<k1>upari
; problem with: II,89,17.
94081 old <div n="2">— b) {%überdies , dazu , ferner.%} Wiederholt {%immer wieder%} <ls>KĀD. 188,18.</ls> <ls>II,89,17.</ls>
; correction: ?
94081 new <div n="2">— b) {%überdies , dazu , ferner.%} Wiederholt {%immer wieder%} <ls>KĀD. 188,18.</ls> <ls>II,89,17.</ls>
; <L>23066<pc>1281-2<k1>OrvAgni
; problem with: II,50,10
109296 old {#OrvAgni#}¦ und {#OrvAnala#} (<ls>KĀD. 48,2.</ls> <ls>II,50,10</ls>) <lex>m.</lex> = ^3. {#Orva#} 2).
; correction: ?
109296 new {#OrvAgni#}¦ und {#OrvAnala#} (<ls>KĀD. 48,2.</ls> <ls>II,50,10</ls>) <lex>m.</lex> = ^3. {#Orva#} 2).
; <L>25585<pc>2035-3<k1>kalp
; problem with: 30.
122699 old <div n="1">— 1) {%entsprechen , richtig — , in Ordnung sein%} <ls>ŚAṂK. zu BĀDAR. 2,2,9.</ls> so <ab>v.a.</ab> {%ganz gut möglich sein , sich ganz gut erklären lassen zu%} <ls>30.</ls>
; correction: ?
122699 new <div n="1">— 1) {%entsprechen , richtig — , in Ordnung sein%} <ls>ŚAṂK. zu BĀDAR. 2,2,9.</ls> so <ab>v.a.</ab> {%ganz gut möglich sein , sich ganz gut erklären lassen zu%} <ls>30.</ls>
; <L>26432<pc>2047-2<k1>kApAlika
; problem with: S. 592
126961 old <div n="2">— a) {%ein Anhänger einer <ab>best.</ab> <is>Śiva</is>'itischen Secte , der mit Menschenschädeln sich schmückt und aus ihnen isst%} , <ls>GOVINDĀN.</ls> zu <ls>BĀDAR. 2,2,27</ls> (<ls>S. 592</ls>).
; correction: ?
126961 new <div n="2">— a) {%ein Anhänger einer <ab>best.</ab> <is>Śiva</is>'itischen Secte , der mit Menschenschädeln sich schmückt und aus ihnen isst%} , <ls>GOVINDĀN.</ls> zu <ls>BĀDAR. 2,2,27</ls> (<ls>S. 592</ls>).
; <L>29228<pc>2082-2<k1>kulANgAra
; problem with: Hariv. 9940.
140886 old <div n="1">— 2) <lex>f.</lex> {#I#} <ab>dass.</ab> von einem Frauenzimmer gesagt <ls>Hariv. 9940.</ls>
; correction: ?
140886 new <div n="1">— 2) <lex>f.</lex> {#I#} <ab>dass.</ab> von einem Frauenzimmer gesagt <ls>Hariv. 9940.</ls>
; <L>37528<pc>2193-2<k1>grAmIna
; problem with: 58
183317 old {#grAmIna#}¦ <ab>Med.</ab> <lex>n.</lex> <ls>58</ls> fehlerhaft für {#grAmIRa#} (aber kein Druckfehler).
; correction: ?
183317 new {#grAmIna#}¦ <ab>Med.</ab> <lex>n.</lex> <ls>58</ls> fehlerhaft für {#grAmIRa#} (aber kein Druckfehler).
; <L>50250<pc>3088-2<k1>div
; problem with: S. 44, Z. 13.
248904 old <div n="1">— 2) {%Strahlen%} <ls>BHĀG. P.</ls> {#dIvyati#} = {#dyotyate#} <ls>SĀY.</ls> zu <ls>ṚV. 1,1,1.</ls> (<ls>S. 44, Z. 13.</ls>)
; correction: ?
248904 new <div n="1">— 2) {%Strahlen%} <ls>BHĀG. P.</ls> {#dIvyati#} = {#dyotyate#} <ls>SĀY.</ls> zu <ls>ṚV. 1,1,1.</ls> (<ls>S. 44, Z. 13.</ls>)
; <L>55942<pc>3169-1<k1>DrAji
; problem with: MAITR. 4,9,5.
277529 old <div n="1">— 1) {%das Streichen , Zug%} (des Windes) <ls>MAITR. S. 1,2,17.</ls> {#DrAji/#} <ls n="MAITR.">4,9,5.</ls>
; correction: ?
277529 new <div n="1">— 1) {%das Streichen , Zug%} (des Windes) <ls>MAITR. S. 1,2,17.</ls> {#DrAji/#} <ls n="MAITR.">4,9,5.</ls>
; <L>68818<pc>4109-2<k1>pUtara
; problem with: 2, S. 40
342260 old {#pUtara#}¦ <lex>m.</lex> {%ein <ab>best.</ab> Wasserthier%} <ls>GAṆAR. 4,291.</ls> <ls>HEM. Pr. Gr. (ed. PISCHEL) 1,170.</ls> Bildlich {%von einem ganz unbedeutenden Menschen%} im Gegens. zu {#kuYjara#} {%Elephant%} als Bez. {%eines sehr hoch stehenden Mannes%} <ls>HEM. PAR. 1,230.</ls> Daher wohl = {#aDama#} nach <ls>TRIVIKRAMA</ls> bei <ls>PISCHEL</ls> a.a.O. <ls>2, S. 40</ls> (zu <ls n="Chr.">1,170</ls>).
; correction: ?
342260 new {#pUtara#}¦ <lex>m.</lex> {%ein <ab>best.</ab> Wasserthier%} <ls>GAṆAR. 4,291.</ls> <ls>HEM. Pr. Gr. (ed. PISCHEL) 1,170.</ls> Bildlich {%von einem ganz unbedeutenden Menschen%} im Gegens. zu {#kuYjara#} {%Elephant%} als Bez. {%eines sehr hoch stehenden Mannes%} <ls>HEM. PAR. 1,230.</ls> Daher wohl = {#aDama#} nach <ls>TRIVIKRAMA</ls> bei <ls>PISCHEL</ls> a.a.O. <ls>2, S. 40</ls> (zu <ls n="Chr.">1,170</ls>).
; <L>71641<pc>4147-3<k1>pratisaMDAna
; problem with: S. 1129,Z. 2
355911 old <div n="1">— 1) {%das Wiederzusammenbringen , -fügen , Zusammenfügung%} <ls>ŚAṂK.</ls> zu <ls>BĀLAR. 4,3,14</ls> (<ls>S. 1129,Z. 2</ls>).
; correction: ?
355911 new <div n="1">— 1) {%das Wiederzusammenbringen , -fügen , Zusammenfügung%} <ls>ŚAṂK.</ls> zu <ls>BĀLAR. 4,3,14</ls> (<ls>S. 1129,Z. 2</ls>).
; <L>76963<pc>4224-2<k1>bAhya
; problem with: S. 1056,Z. 13
382355 old <div n="2">— a) {%aussen befindlich , draussen%} (vor der Thür , vor dem Hause , vor dem Dorfe <ab>u.s.w.</ab>) — , {%ausserhalb von%} (<ab>Abl.</ab> oder im Comp. vorangehend) {%gelegen%} <ab>u.s.w.</ab> , {%der äussere.%} <ab>Acc.</ab> mit {#kar#} {%hinausweisen , von sich fern halten.%} {#tadDita#} <lex>m.</lex> so. <ab>v.a.</ab> {%ein neu hinzutretendes <is>Taddhita</is>-Suffix.%} Auch Compar. {#bAhyatara#} <ls>ŚAṂK.</ls> zu <ls>BĀLAR. 4,1,2</ls> (<ls>S. 1056,Z. 13</ls>).
; correction: ?
382355 new <div n="2">— a) {%aussen befindlich , draussen%} (vor der Thür , vor dem Hause , vor dem Dorfe <ab>u.s.w.</ab>) — , {%ausserhalb von%} (<ab>Abl.</ab> oder im Comp. vorangehend) {%gelegen%} <ab>u.s.w.</ab> , {%der äussere.%} <ab>Acc.</ab> mit {#kar#} {%hinausweisen , von sich fern halten.%} {#tadDita#} <lex>m.</lex> so. <ab>v.a.</ab> {%ein neu hinzutretendes <is>Taddhita</is>-Suffix.%} Auch Compar. {#bAhyatara#} <ls>ŚAṂK.</ls> zu <ls>BĀLAR. 4,1,2</ls> (<ls>S. 1056,Z. 13</ls>).
; <L>84648<pc>5047-3<k1>mahAbudDi
; problem with: VP. 6,4,29.
421675 old 1. {#mahAbudDi#}¦ angeblich <lex>f.</lex> {%der Intellect%} <ls>VP.² 5,199.</ls> Die richtige Lesart ist {#°budDe#} <ab>Voc.</ab> <ls> VP. 6,4,29.</ls>
; correction: ?
421675 new 1. {#mahAbudDi#}¦ angeblich <lex>f.</lex> {%der Intellect%} <ls>VP.² 5,199.</ls> Die richtige Lesart ist {#°budDe#} <ab>Voc.</ab> <ls> VP. 6,4,29.</ls>
; <L>99366<pc>6045-1<k1>vasantotsava
; problem with: S. 115. fg.
499180 old {#vasantotsava#}¦ <lex>m.</lex> {%das Frühlingsfest%} <ls n="Chr.">290,15.</ls> <ls n="Chr.">292,1.</ls> <ls>MĀLAV. ed. Calc. 1,10</ls> (<ab>vgl.</ab> <ls>S. 115. fg.</ls>).
; correction: ?
499180 new {#vasantotsava#}¦ <lex>m.</lex> {%das Frühlingsfest%} <ls n="Chr.">290,15.</ls> <ls n="Chr.">292,1.</ls> <ls>MĀLAV. ed. Calc. 1,10</ls> (<ab>vgl.</ab> <ls>S. 115. fg.</ls>).
; <L>100922<pc>6067-2<k1>vAri
; problem with: S. 310.
507002 old <div n="1">— 3) {%*Rede , die Göttin der Rede.%} {#vArI#} scheinbar in <ls>Sitzungsberr. d. K. Pr. Ak. d. Ww. 1884 , S. 82</ls> , da hier statt {#mahAnayabAri bAri#} zu lesen ist {#mahAnayaparivAre#} ; <ab>vgl.</ab> <ab>ebend.</ab> <ls>S. 310.</ls>
; correction: ?
507002 new <div n="1">— 3) {%*Rede , die Göttin der Rede.%} {#vArI#} scheinbar in <ls>Sitzungsberr. d. K. Pr. Ak. d. Ww. 1884 , S. 82</ls> , da hier statt {#mahAnayabAri bAri#} zu lesen ist {#mahAnayaparivAre#} ; <ab>vgl.</ab> <ab>ebend.</ab> <ls>S. 310.</ls>
; <L>114849<pc>6268-2<k1>SramaRa
; problem with: R. 1,1,55
576955 old <div n="1">— 3) *<lex>f.</lex> {#A#} = {#SabarIBid#} (<ab>vgl.</ab> <ls> R. 1,1,55</ls>), {#maMsI , muRqIrI#} und {#sudarSanA#}.
; correction: ?
576955 new <div n="1">— 3) *<lex>f.</lex> {#A#} = {#SabarIBid#} (<ab>vgl.</ab> <ls> R. 1,1,55</ls>), {#maMsI , muRqIrI#} und {#sudarSanA#}.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions pwkissues/issue93/readme.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -209,3 +209,10 @@ sh pw ../../PWScan/2020/
Recompute the summary.
python temp_pw_1.txt temp_pw_tooltip.txt lsextract_pw_1.txt

python temp_pw_1.txt temp_pw_tooltip.txt ls_num_and_unknown.txt

28 cases written to ls_num_and_unknown.txt

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