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This challenge problem is intended to evaluate several important skills for a software engineer, especially:

(a) Reading, debugging, and writing Rust code (b) Reasoning about data structures and their implementations (c) Extracting development requirements from a mathematical and/or prose description (d) Designing tests and using tests to understand code.

A few logistical notes:

  • This problem is designed to take 3-4 hours of focused work.
  • Please do not spend more than 4 hours on it unless you decide it's extremely interesting. We value putting engineers' time to good use, and more than 4 hours for an interview problem would be wasteful.
  • This problem has several parts. You do not have to complete all parts. In particular, we would rather receive a high-quality implementation of most parts than a sloppy implementation of all parts.
  • Feel free to use whatever documentation or search engines might help you in this task, but please ensure that the solution you produce is your own work, and please do not share the contents of the problem or your particular solution publicly.
  • The specific problem tasks are labeled with "Task N:".
  • We'd recommend working on the tasks in the order they are presented, since they are meant to build on each other.

This problem has been provided as a zipped folder. Please make modifications in the folder and send a new .zip or .tgz back when you are done, along with a list of which tasks are fully or partially included, and any special instructions you might have.


Cryptographic Hash Functions

A Cryptographic Hash Function H is a special type of function that takes an arbitrarily long sequence of bytes and returns some fixed-size "digest" of that sequence.

Cryptographic hash functions have two special properties for our purposes: H

  • Preimage resistance: given a digest d, it's infeasible to calculate a string s such that H(s) = d.
  • Collision resistance: it's infeasible to find two strings s1 and s2 such that H(s1) == H(s2).

Proving that any function has these properties is extremely difficult -- and in some cases, would be a major theoretical breakthrough! So in practical usage, well-known hash functions that have resisted many attempts to break them are assumed to be Preimage- and Collision-resistant.

For this problem, we will be using the SHA-256 hash function, which has a 256-bit digest.

Authenticated Data Structures

An Authenticated Data Structure (ADS) is a data structure with 2 extra features:

(a) You can calculate a "commitment" of the data structure, which is a small, unique cryptographic representation of the data structure. (b) Queries about the data structure can provide a "proof" of their results, which can be checked against the data structure's digest.

Generally, properties of an authenticated data structure rely on standard cryptographic assumptions, e.g. that no one can invert or find collisions in a particular cryptographic hash function.

Commitments must uniquely determine the data structure's value -- ie, if a.commit() == b.commit(), then a == b.

"Equal" data structures may not always have equal commitments. Depending on what a == b means, there may be two data structures a and b where a == b but a.commit() != b.commit(). For example, an array can be used to represent a set, but there are many potential arrays that can represent the same set!

Proofs for queries must be complete and sound. Completeness means that every valid query result has a valid proof. Soundness means that valid proofs imply that the query results are correct. More formally, if you receive a result r for a query q, and a proof pf, and check_proof(r,pf,ads.commit()) succeeds, then ads.run_query(q) == r.

A popular example of an ADS is the Git version control system. Git's core data structure is an authenticated file directory -- the "commitment" is the commit hash, and queries about files can be "proven" by providing the other data required (eg, other filenames, those file's hashes, parent commit hashes, etc.) to calculate the commit hash.

Authenticated Key-Value Stores

An authenticated Key-Value Store is an ADS of an "associative array" or "map". The methods of the data structure are described in src/

fn new() -> Self;
fn commit(&self) -> Self::Commitment;
fn check_proof(key: Self::K, res: Option<Self::V>, pf: &Self::LookupProof,
    comm: &Self::Commitment) -> Option<()>;

fn insert(self, key: Self::K, value: Self::V) -> Self;
fn get(&self, key: Self::K) -> (Option<Self::V>,Self::LookupProof);
fn remove(self, key: Self::K) -> Self;

insert, get, and remove behave like the same methods in std::collections::HashMap, except that insert and remove return copies of the ADS rather than taking &mut self.

ADS #1: Sorted K/V Store

The first few tasks revolve around the authenticated KV store implementation in src/ The locations in the file for Tasks 2 and 3 are marked with comments.

Task 1: Conceptual check

Read the contents of SortedKV::check_proof, then please describe briefly your understanding of why SortedKV::check_proof is correct. Put that description in It will help to look at SortedKV::get and sortedkv_util::root_from_path.

In particular, think about how check_proof should be:

  • Complete (easier): Why can you always generate a proof for (key,res,ads.commit()) that check_proof accepts if ads.get(key) == res?
  • Sound (trickier): suppose you could compute some ads: SortedKV, key: K, res: Option<V>, and pf: LookupProof where ads.get(key).0 != res but SortedKV::check_proof(key,res,pf,ads.commit()).is_some(). Why would this break the assumption that SHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function?

This doesn't need to be a formal correctness proof -- and that probably isn't worth your time! Just take a stab at understanding and explaining it -- doing so will help with the later tasks.

Task 2: insert/get testing

In src/, there is a tests module, and a test hash_btree_insert_get. This is an example of a powerful type of test called a "simulation test", where you generate scenarios where two different data structures or implementations should behave "the same", and then check that behavior. hash_btree_insert_get checks that HashMap and BTreeMap behave identically on (parameterized) sequences of gets and inserts.

Two tests, hash_btree_insert_get_quickcheck and hash_btree_insert_get_test_cases, call hash_btree_insert_get to test it with various inputs.

Implement hash_sortedkv_insert_get, so that it tests SortedKV's insert/get behavior against HashMap's behavior. Make sure to also test the unique behavior of SortedKV -- ie, whenever you call SortedKV::get, check its proof!

Currently the hash_sortedkv_insert_get tests are #[ignore]d, but if you remove that line the test will run through cargo test.

If you run:

$ cargo test hash_sortedkv_insert_get

The tests (_quickcheck, and _test_cases) will fail if you haven't yet implemented it. You'll see something like:

thread 'sorted_kv::tests::hash_sortedkv_insert_get_quickcheck' panicked at '[quickcheck] TEST FAILED (runtime error). Arguments: ([])
Error: "not yet implemented"', /home/joe/.cargo/registry/src/

If you have a bug in your test, the Arguments section of the output will be a minimal input that fails. Try adding it to _test_cases as a regression test!

Task 3: Find the Bug

This implementation of SortedKV has a bug in it. Find that bug! Once you've found the bug, describe the bug and add a test that illustrates the bug. Describe, but do not implement, a fix.

The intended bug is a logical error, rather than a crash or other basic correctness issue. Though, if you find such an issue, that works too!

If you would like a hint, read task-3-hint.txt.

ADS #2: Sparse Merkle Tree

The Sorted K/V Store is a simple data structure, but it has a major flaw: updates take linear time, since you have to re-calculate all the hashes in the list.

A more efficient implementation can be built around a single key realization: bit-strings can be interpreted as paths down binary trees! Instead of storing (K,V) pairs in sorted order, we can store them in a particular leaf of a binary tree, with the location being determined by H(K). If H is a 256-bit hash, this binary tree has height 256, and thus will be overwhelmingly empty.

To make things more concrete, a Sparse Merkle Tree built on a cryptographic hash function H with an N-bit digest is a binary tree of height N such that:

  • Leaf nodes are encoded (K,V) pairs, located at the leaf node determined by reading the bits of H(K) as 0 -> left, 1 -> right. These bits can be read in any order, but that order must be consistent.
    • The digest of a leaf node is a hash H_leaf(K,V) -> Digest (H_leaf is built on H)
  • Subtrees with no leaf nodes are represented as a special "Empty subtree", with a special digest (A common choice is the all-0 digest).
  • Branch nodes have left and right subtrees, and the digest of a branch node is a hash H_branch(Digest,Digest) -> Digest of the digests of its child subtrees.

The digest of the whole tree is the digest of the root node (thus, either the all-0 digest, or some H_branch). Lookup proofs are built on the concept of "sibling hashes" -- ie, for a node B = Branch(l,r), the sibling hash of r is l.digest(), and vice versa. A lookup proof for (K,None) is then a list of sibling hashes following a prefix of H(K) which reaches an empty subtree. A lookup proof for (K,Some(V)) is a list of sibling hashes following H(K) which ends in (K,V). If the list of sibling hashes is enough to calculate the root digest of the overall tree, and thus a proof is valid if and only if it recalculates the correct root digest.

Task 4: Conceptual check

Briefly describe in your understanding of why this data structure would work. Some good things to touch on would be:

  • How do you know that each key is in a unique leaf? (Hint: think about hash function properties).
  • Which hash function assumption does representing the empty subtree by the all-0 digest rely upon?
  • Suppose there were two sparse merkle trees which differ in exactly one key, but their digests are the same. Why does this break collision-resistance?

Task 5: Basic Implementation

In src/

Create a SparseMerkleTree type which has String keys and String values. Implement commit(), get() and check_proof(). Include some comments justifying why these implementations are correct.

Task 6 (optional): insert() and remove()

Think about how you would implement the insert() and remove() functions. Consider performance, in terms of space. We may, depending on time, use this as a discussion topic during an interview.


sparse merkle tree challenge and proofs in Rust






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