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3 component advection diffusion reaction solver added to darcy advect…
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sashgeophysics committed Nov 12, 2019
1 parent b78941a commit fcb9460
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112 changes: 111 additions & 1 deletion src/modules/
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Expand Up @@ -848,7 +848,117 @@ def advection_diffusion_two_component(self,W,mesh,sol_prev,dt,f1,K=1.0,zh=Consta
term_SUPG = tau_SUPG*dot(u, grad(vc))*r*dx
F += term_SUPG
return lhs(F), rhs(F)

def advection_diffusion_three_component(self,W,mesh,sol_prev,dt,f1,K=1.0,zh=Constant((0.0,1.0)),SUPG=1,gam_rho=-1.0,rho_0=1.0):
This function returns the bilinear form for the system of PDES governing
an advection-reaction-two-component flow, the governing
PDEs for Darcy flow are:
div(u) = 0 (1)
phi*u = -k*(grad(p)-rho*zhat) (2)
dc0/dt + dot(u,grad(c0)) = div(grad(c0))/Pe - Da*c0*c1**2/phi + beta*f (3)
dc1/dt = - 2*Da*c0*c1**2/phi (4)
drho = 1 + gam_rho c0 (5)
where c0 and c1 are concentrations of the reactants in the liquid
and solid, u is the fluid velocity, p is pressure, k is permeability
drho=difference between liquid and solid densities, zhat is a unit
vecotr in vertically upward direction, Pe is Peclet number, Da is
the Dahmkoler number, beta is source strength, f is a function
for lateral variations in source of c0, and phi is the constant porosity
W : Mixed function space containing velocity, pressure and two
mesh : Fenics mesh on which W is defined
sol_prev : All unknowns from the previous time step
dt : time step
f1 : Spatially variable scalar function for the source term
K : Constant permeability
zh : Unit vector in the vertical direction
SUPG : A counter for chosing between different SUPG terms
gam_rho : The coefficient of concentration in the expression for drho
rho_0 : The intercept in the expression for drho
lhs(F) : Left hand side of the combined bilinear form
rhs(F) : Right hand side of the bilinear formulation
The bilinear form uses Crank-Nicholson time stepping and gives
several options for SUPG stabilization. We recommend using Sendur 2018 formulation
for the SUPG term.
The bilinear form, combined together, becomes
phi*dot(u,v)-k*p*div(v)+div(u)*q + eta*(c0n-c0nm1)+eta*dot(u,grad(c_mid))*dt
= K*drho*dot(zhat,v)-Da*c0*c1*dt*eta/phi
- beta*f1*dt*eta + Da*c0*c1*dt*omega/(1-phi)
In this code c0 is uc, c1 is cc, eta is vc, omega is qc
We recommend using this function preferentially over the other functions as
this combines all four equations into one bilinear form. If the density contrast
is constant, just replace drho with a constant value.
h = CellDiameter(mesh)
# TrialFunctions and TestFunctions
U = TrialFunction(W)
(v, q, vc, qc,qc1) = TestFunctions(W)
u, p, uc, cc,cc1 = split(U)
# Density contrast as a function of concentration

# Define the variational form
F = (inner(self.phi*u,v) - K*div(v)*p+div(u)*q)*dx\
- K*deltarho*inner(v,zhat)*dx
# uc and cc are the trial functions for the next time step
# uc for comp cc and d comp1
# u0 (component 0), c0(component 1), and c1(component 3)
# are known values from the previous time step
u,p,u0 ,c0,c1 = split(sol_prev)
# Mid-point solution for comp 0
u_mid = 0.5*(u0 + uc)
# First order reaction term
# For chemical reaction
# MgCO3+2Fe = C + 3 Fe(2/3)Mg(1/3)O
# Assuming forward reaction controls the rate
# Total molar mass is calculated from
# MgCO3 = 24.0+12.0+3.0*16.0
# 2Fe = 2.0*56
# C = 12.0
# 3 Fe(2/3)Mg(1/3)O = 3.0*(0.67*56.0+0.33*24.0+16.0)
# M = MgCO3+2*Fe+C+3*Oxide = 392.32
Total_molar_mass = 392.32
Fe_frac = 2.0*56.0/Total_molar_mass
carbonate_frac = 84.0/Total_molar_mass
C_frac = 12.0/Total_molar_mass
f21 = Fe_frac*self.Da*u0*c0*c0 #reaction rate for Fe
f11 = carbonate_frac*self.Da*u0*c0*c0 #reaction rate for carbonate
f31 = C_frac*self.Da*u0*c0*c0

F += vc*(uc - u0)*dx + dt*(vc*dot(u, grad(u_mid))*dx\
+ dot(grad(vc), grad(u_mid)/self.Pe)*dx) \
+ dt*f11/self.phi*vc*dx - self.beta*dt*f1*vc*dx \
+ qc*(cc - c0)*dx + dt*f21/(1-self.phi)*qc*dx \
+ qc1*(cc1 - c1)*dx - dt*(f31/(1-self.phi))*qc1*dx
# Residual
h = CellDiameter(mesh)
r = uc - u0 + dt*(dot(u, grad(u_mid)) - div(grad(u_mid))/self.Pe+f11/self.phi)\
- self.beta*dt*f1 + cc-c0 + dt*f21/(1.0-self.phi) + cc1-c1 - dt*f31/(1.0-self.phi)
# Add SUPG stabilisation terms
# Default is Sendur 2018, a modification of Codina, 1997 also works
vnorm = sqrt(dot(u, u))

if SUPG==1:
#Sendur 2018
tau_SUPG = 1.0/(4.0/(self.Pe*h*h)+2.0*vnorm/h)
elif SUPG==2:
#Codina 1997 eq. 114
tau_SUPG = 1.0/(4.0/(self.Pe*h*h)+2.0*vnorm/h+self.Da)
#tau_SUPG = 1.0/(4.0/(self.Pe*h*h)+2.0*vnorm/h+self.Da*np.max(c0)/self.phi)
#Brookes and Hughes
coth = (np.e**(2.0*alpha_SUPG)+1.0)/(np.e**(2.0*alpha_SUPG)-1.0)
term_SUPG = tau_SUPG*dot(u, grad(vc))*r*dx
F += term_SUPG
return lhs(F), rhs(F)

### Advection diffusion equation in Stokes flow
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246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions src/run/LVL_3comp/
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@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
## This is a part of Mupopp
## Copyright Saswata Hier-Majumder, July, 2016
## Modified on August 2018
## This program solves an advection diffusion problem
## with Darcy flow, using Dirichlet boundary conditions
## for velocity and concentration
## Modified by Joe Sun, February 2019

from fenics import *
from mshr import*
import numpy, scipy, sys, math
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Add the path to Mupopp module to the code
sys.path.insert(0, '../../modules/')
from mupopp import *

#set_log_level(30) #Critical info only

# Parameters for initializing the object
Da0 = 100.0
Pe0 = 100.0
alpha0= 0.01 # beta = alpha0/phi
phi0 = 0.01
cfl0 = 0.01
# Parameters for iteration
T0 = 2.0
dt0 = 0.1
out_freq0 = 1

# Parameters for mesh
mesh_density = 40

# Output files for quick visualisation

file_name = "Da_%3.2f_Pe_%.1E_beta_%3.2f_Fe_%3.2f"%(Da0,Pe0,beta,Fe)
output_dir = "output/"

extension = "pvd" # "xdmf" or "pvd"

velocity_out = File(output_dir + file_name + "_velocity." + extension, "compressed")
pressure_out = File(output_dir + file_name + "_pressure." + extension, "compressed")
c0_out = File(output_dir + file_name + "_concentration0." + extension, "compressed")
c1_out = File(output_dir + file_name + "_concentration1." + extension, "compressed")
c2_out = File(output_dir + file_name + "_concentration2." + extension, "compressed")
initial_c0_out = File(output_dir + file_name + "_initial_c0." + extension, "compressed")
initial_c1_out = File(output_dir + file_name + "_initial_c1." + extension, "compressed")

# Output parameters
def output_write(mesh_density,Da,phi,Pe,alpha,cfl,fname= output_dir + "/a_parameters.out"):
"""This function saves the output of iterations"""
file.write("Mesh density: %g\n" %mesh_density)
file.write("Da: %g\n" %Da0)
file.write("phi: %g\n" %phi0)
file.write("Pe: %g\n" %Pe0)
file.write("alpha: %g\n" %alpha0)
file.write("cfl: %g\n" %cfl0)


#Define function for source term in Governing equations
class SourceTerm(Expression):
""" Creates an expression for the source term
in the advection reaction equations.
The source term consists of a series of
sine waves.
def __init__(self, mesh,element):
self.mesh = mesh
def eval(self, values, x):
for ii in range(0,20):

g = (1.0-tanh(x[1]/0.01))*g1
values[0] = g
def value_shape(self):
return (1,)

# Define function for BC
class BoundarySource(Expression):
def __init__(self, mesh,element):
self.mesh = mesh
def eval_cell(self, values, x, ufl_cell):
cell = Cell(self.mesh, ufl_cell.index)
n = cell.normal(ufl_cell.local_facet)
for ii in range(0,20):
g = -g1
values[0] = g*n[0]
values[1] = g*n[1]
def value_shape(self):
return (2,)

## Numerical solution

# Define the mesh
xmin = 0.0
xmax = 4.0
ymin = 0.0
ymax = 1.0
domain = Rectangle(Point(xmin,ymin),Point(xmax,ymax))
mesh = generate_mesh(domain,mesh_density)
#mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(xmin, ymin), Point(xmax, ymax), 100, 50)

# Mark facets
## Define subdomain for flux calculation
class Plane(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return x[1] > ymax - DOLFIN_EPS
facets = FacetFunction("size_t", mesh)
Plane().mark(facets, 1)
ds = Measure("ds")[facets]
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
# Define essential boundary
def top_bottom(x):
return x[1] < DOLFIN_EPS or x[1] > ymax - DOLFIN_EPS
def bottom(x):
return x[1] < DOLFIN_EPS
def top(x):
return x[1] > ymax - DOLFIN_EPS

# Sub domain for Periodic boundary condition
class PeriodicBoundary(SubDomain):
# Bottom boundary is "target domain" G
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return bool(near(x[0], xmin) and on_boundary)
# Map right boundary (H) to left boundary (G)
def map(self, x, y):
if near(x[0], xmax):
y[0] = x[0] - xmax
y[1] = x[1]
y[0] = -1000
y[1] = -1000
# Create periodic boundary condition
pbc = PeriodicBoundary()

## Darcy velocity
# Create FunctionSpaces
# Velocity
V = VectorElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 2)
# Pressure
Q = FiniteElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
Qc = FiniteElement("Lagrange",mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
# Make a mixed space
W = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([V,Q,Qc,Qc,Qc]), constrained_domain=pbc)
X = FunctionSpace(mesh,"CG",1, constrained_domain=pbc)

# Define boundary conditions
#bc1 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), G, bottom)
bc1 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0.0,0.1)), bottom)
bc = [bc1]

## Create an object
darcy = DarcyAdvection(Da=Da0,phi=phi0,Pe=Pe0,alpha=alpha0,cfl=cfl0)

# Define initial conditions
sol_0 = Function(W)
temp2 = Function(X)
c01_temp=Expression("0.01",element=Q) #Fe
c01 = temp2
assign(sol_0.sub(3), c01)

#initial_c0_out << c0_initial
#initial_c1_out << c1_initial

## Solve for Darcy velocity
sol = Function(W)
# Parameters for iteration
T = T0
dt = dt0
t = dt
i = 1
out_freq = out_freq0

while t - T < DOLFIN_EPS:
# Update the concentration of component 0
a,L = darcy.advection_diffusion_three_component(W,mesh,sol_0,dt,f1=S,K=0.1)
sol_0 = sol
u0,p0,c00,c01,c02 = sol.split()
if i % out_freq == 0:
velocity_out << u0
pressure_out << p0
c0_out << c00
c1_out << c01
c2_out << c02
## Calculate flux
flux1 = assemble(c00*phi0*dot(u0, n)*ds(1))
flux= np.append(flux,flux1)
#calculate mass of carbon deposited
carbon = np.append(carbon,mass1)
#print "flux 1: ", flux_1
# Move to next interval and adjust boundary condition
info("time t =%g\n" %t)
info("iteration =%g\n" %i)
#print 'iteration',i
t += dt
i += 1
flux_file=output_dir + file_name + "_flux.csv"
mass_file=output_dir + file_name + "_mass.csv"

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