logon to a scVENUS client or place a copy of scpm in your $PATH for creating the spark and java packages
create spark package(s)
This task downloads spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz and spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz and generates p4 packages bin build/spark*.p4
./gradlew p4Sparks
create zulu java package
Downloads jdk8.0.112 from Azul Systems and generates a p4 package build/zulu8.19.0.1-jdk8.0.112-linux_x64.p4
./gradlew p4Javas
create the anacoda package The anaconda software has a more complex installer and therefore has to be installed on a test / build machine and then repackaged as p4. Download and install anacoda3 once on a build machine and create a p4 package by executing
cd /usr/local scpm -c -n anaconda -p anaconda.p4 -s anaconda3 -v "3-4.2.0" --dest-prefix=/usr/local --default-owner="ADMUID=0" --default-group="ADMGID=10000"
create the meta package Adapt the path to the anaconda p4 package which you have created in the previous step in the filelist src/main/resources/filelists/spark-venus.f4 and then execute:
./gradlew createMetaPackage
You can get a listing of all available gradle targets with
./gradlew -q tasks -all
- install / update domain tree
scmetadoall -c --dont-merge --move-sw --cleanup spark-venus-meta.p4
- add software to sw-depot
for i in software_deliver/spark/*.p4; do echo $i ; done
- method and context sc.venus.spark
- files
- systemd template: /etc/systemd/system/scvenus-spark.service
- spark-env.sh template: /usr/local/etc/spark/spark-env.sh
- spark-defaults.conf template: /usr/local/etc/spark-defaults.conf
- installs spark-hadoop2.7 and zulu-java
- spark software is in /usr/local/spark
- java software goes to /usr/local/zulu-java
- spark configuration is in /usr/local/etc/spark
- creates spark-defaults.conf and spark-env.sh
- spark logs are in /var/log/spark
- spark pids are in /var/run/spark
- creates scvenus-spark systemd unit
- adds scvenus-spark service to systemd startup
- (re)starts the spark service
- the spark service is running as user ${USER} (from context sc.venus.spark)
- stops the spark service
- removes spark service from systemd startup
- removes scvenus-spark systemd unit
- removes the p4 software spark-hadoop27 and zulu-java
- removes directories /usr/local/etc/spark, /var/run/spark, /var/log/spark
- method and context sc.venus.jupyter
- files
- systemd template: /etc/systemd/system/scvenus-jupyter.service
- jupyter start wrapper template: /usr/local/bin/scvenus-jupyter
- install anaconda p4 package
- anacoda is in /usr/local/anaconda3
- creates a jupyter start wrapper /usr/local/bin/scvenus-jupiter
- creates scvenus-jupyter systemd unit
- adds scvenus-jupyter to systemd startup
- (re)starts the jupyter service
- the jupyter service is running as user ${USER} (from context sc.venus.spark)
- stops scvenus-jupyter service
- removes jupyter service from systemd startup
- removes anaconda p4
- removes /usr/local/bin/scvenus-jupyter
The spark and jupyter methods only support OSes using systemd: go for redhatel 7.
The setup relies on the scVENUS single system image. Make sure SSI is working.
The p4 packages spark-hadoop2.7, zulu-java and anaconda must be added to the scVENUS software depot.
The spark processes are owned by the user "scvenusSpark".
The jupyter notebook is owned by the user "scvenusSpark" and is running on the spark master.
The shared directory for spark is /home/scvenusSpark.
A hierachical group structure for the cluster members: sparkcluster1/master, sparkcluster1/slave
The spark master configuration is in "groups/sparkcluster1/master/context/sc.venus.spark".
The spark slave configuration is in "groups/sparkcluster1/slave/context/sc.venus.spark".
The share cluster configuration is in "groups/sparkcluster1/context/sc.venus.spark".
The spark master is client4 (client4.example.com).
The spark slaves are client6 and client9.
add a user which is the owner of the spark process and its home directory is used as shared storage for the spark cluster
scadduser -s /usr/local/bin/bash -h client4 -u scvenusSpark
add a venus group for the spark slaves and add clients to the group.
scaddvenusgroup -c sparkcluster1/master scchclient -c +g sparkcluster1/master client4 scaddvenusgroup -c sparkcluster1/slave scchclient -c +g sparkcluster1/slave client6 scchclient -c +g sparkcluster1/slave client9
add venus context settings
sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/master/context/sc.venus.spark NODE_TYPE MASTER sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/context/sc.venus.spark AUTHENTICATE true sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/context/sc.venus.spark SECRET 'veryS3cret!' sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/context/sc.venus.spark USER scvenusSpark sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/context/sc.venus.spark WORKING_DIR /home/scvenusSpark sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/context/sc.venus.spark SPARK_WORKER_DIR /home/scvenusSpark/work sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/context/sc.venus.spark SPARK_EVENT_LOG_DIR_PATH /home/scvenusSpark/event-log sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/context/sc.venus.spark CREATE_EVENT_LOG_DIR true sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/context/sc.venus.spark MASTER_URL_HOST client4.example.com # slave settings sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/slave/context/sc.venus.spark NODE_TYPE SLAVE
add jupyter password to context settings
generate the password hash with the password hash generator script from this project
add the hashed password to the jupyter context
sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/master/context/sc.venus.jupyter NOTEBOOK_PASSWORD_HASH 'sha1:aeee03cb33c0:0e4d047e13e3f853b775c6df15baf0ce329489d0'
optionally choose a spark version
available versions are: 2.1.0, 2.0.2
sccontextchange -c domain/groups/sparkcluster1/context/sc.venus.spark spark_version 2.0.2
install and start the spark master and slaves
scrinstall -c sc.venus.spark sparkcluster1
install the jupyter software on all spark slaves
scaddpkg -c anaconda sparkcluster1/slave
install and start the jupyter notebook
scrinstall -c sc.venus.jupyter sparkcluster1/master
- Web interface Spark http://masterhost:8080
- Web interface Jupyter <http//masterhost:8888>