Pet owners find local pet sitters and pet sitters find pet owners in need of a sitter.
Angular, Rails API, Angular-filter, jQuery, HTML5, CSS
We created a pet sitter web application where where a pet owner can locate a pet sitter and a pet sitter can locate a pet. We have three models (pet sitter, pet owner and pet) with pet owner and pet having a one to many relationship. In our application a pet owner is able to search for pet sitters by name and location(zipcode) by using a text search or a drop down list. A pet sitter is able to search by location and type of pet. We also included a filter to include or not include a pet that will need to be given medication.
Before bilding our application we created an erd (shown below) to map out all of the model entities. We then created our database using rails and hard coded the seed data
rails and hs server needed
- angular slider
Technical Requirements This app must contain a backend API with at least 2 models – no associations are required This app must use an angular front end that leverages the backend API in the above requirement
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