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sdiehl committed Jul 11, 2018
0 parents commit e0e7349
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Showing 23 changed files with 1,665 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions Bulletproofs/Curve.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
module Bulletproofs.Curve where

import Protolude hiding (hash)

import Crypto.Hash
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Generate as Crypto
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim as Crypto
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types as Crypto

import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import Crypto.Number.Serialize (os2ip)
import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.Sqrt (sqrtModP)

import Numeric
import qualified Data.List as L

curveName :: Crypto.CurveName
curveName = Crypto.SEC_p256k1

curve :: Crypto.Curve
curve = Crypto.getCurveByName curveName

-- | Order of the curve
q :: Integer
q = Crypto.ecc_n . Crypto.common_curve $ curve

-- | Generator of the curve
g :: Crypto.Point
g = Crypto.ecc_g $ Crypto.common_curve curve

-- | H = aG where a is not known
h :: Crypto.Point
h = generateH g ""

-- | Generate vector of generators in a deterministic way from the curve generator g
-- by applying H(encode(g) || i) where H is a secure hash function
gs :: [Crypto.Point]
gs = Crypto.pointBaseMul curve . oracle . (<> pointToBS g) . show <$> [1..]

-- | Generate vector of generators in a deterministic way from the curve generator h
-- by applying H(encode(h) || i) where H is a secure hash function
hs :: [Crypto.Point]
hs = Crypto.pointBaseMul curve . oracle . (<> pointToBS h) . show <$> [1..]

-- | A random oracle. In the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, its input
-- is specifically the transcript of the interaction up to that point.
oracle :: ByteString -> Integer
oracle x = os2ip (sha256 x)

sha256 :: ByteString -> ByteString
sha256 bs = BA.convert (hash bs :: Digest SHA3_256)

pointToBS :: Crypto.Point -> ByteString
pointToBS Crypto.PointO = ""
pointToBS (Crypto.Point x y) = show x <> show y

-- | Characteristic of the underlying finite field of the elliptic curve
p :: Integer
p = Crypto.ecc_p cp
cp = case curve of
Crypto.CurveFP c -> c
Crypto.CurveF2m _ -> panic "Not a FP curve"

-- | Iterative algorithm to generate H.
-- The important thing about the H value is that nobody gets
-- to know its discrete logarithm "k" such that H = kG
generateH :: Crypto.Point -> [Char] -> Crypto.Point
generateH basePoint extra =
case yM of
Nothing -> generateH basePoint (toS $ '1':extra)
Just y -> if Crypto.isPointValid curve (Crypto.Point x y)
then Crypto.Point x y
else generateH basePoint (toS $ '1':extra)
x = oracle (pointToBS basePoint <> toS extra) `mod` p
yM = sqrtModP (x ^ 3 + 7) p

110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions Bulletproofs/Fq.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Bulletproofs.Fq where

import Protolude

import Crypto.Random (MonadRandom)
import Crypto.Number.Generate (generateMax)

import Bulletproofs.Curve

-- Types

-- | Prime field with characteristic @_q@
newtype Fq = Fq Integer -- ^ Use @new@ instead of this constructor
deriving (Show, Eq, Bits, Ord)

instance Num Fq where
(+) = fqAdd
(*) = fqMul
abs = panic "There is no absolute value in a finite field"
signum = panic "This function doesn't make sense in a finite field"
negate = fqNeg
fromInteger = new

instance Fractional Fq where
(/) = fqDiv
fromRational (a :% b) = Fq a / Fq b

-- | Turn an integer into an @Fq@ number, should be used instead of
-- the @Fq@ constructor.
new :: Integer -> Fq
new a = Fq (a `mod` q)

{-# INLINE norm #-}
norm :: Fq -> Fq
norm (Fq a) = Fq (a `mod` q)

{-# INLINE fqAdd #-}
fqAdd :: Fq -> Fq -> Fq
fqAdd (Fq a) (Fq b) = norm (Fq (a+b))

{-# INLINE fqMul #-}
fqMul :: Fq -> Fq -> Fq
fqMul (Fq a) (Fq b) = norm (Fq (a*b))

{-# INLINE fqNeg #-}
fqNeg :: Fq -> Fq
fqNeg (Fq a) = Fq ((-a) `mod` q)

{-# INLINE fqDiv #-}
fqDiv :: Fq -> Fq -> Fq
fqDiv a b = fqMul a (inv b)

{-# INLINE fqInv #-}
-- | Multiplicative inverse
fqInv :: Fq -> Fq
fqInv x = 1 / x

{-# INLINE fqZero #-}
-- | Additive identity
fqZero :: Fq
fqZero = Fq 0

{-# INLINE fqOne #-}
-- | Multiplicative identity
fqOne :: Fq
fqOne = Fq 1

fqSquare :: Fq -> Fq
fqSquare x = fqMul x x

fqCube :: Fq -> Fq
fqCube x = fqMul x (fqMul x x)

inv :: Fq -> Fq
inv (Fq a) = Fq $ euclidean a q `mod` q

asInteger :: Fq -> Integer
asInteger (Fq n) = n

-- | Euclidean algorithm to compute inverse in an integral domain @a@
euclidean :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
euclidean a b = fst (inv' a b)

{-# INLINEABLE inv' #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inv' :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer) #-}
inv' :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> (a, a)
inv' a b =
case b of
1 -> (0, 1)
_ -> let (e, f) = inv' b d
in (f, e - c*f)
where c = a `div` b
d = a `mod` b

random :: MonadRandom m => Integer -> m Fq
random n = Fq <$> generateMax (2^n)

fqAddV :: [Fq] -> [Fq] -> [Fq]
fqAddV = zipWith (+)

fqSubV :: [Fq] -> [Fq] -> [Fq]
fqSubV = zipWith (-)

fqMulV :: [Fq] -> [Fq] -> [Fq]
fqMulV = zipWith (*)

13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions Bulletproofs/InnerProductProof.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module Bulletproofs.InnerProductProof
( generateProof
, verifyProof

, InnerProductProof(..)
, InnerProductBase(..)
, InnerProductWitness(..)
) where

import Bulletproofs.InnerProductProof.Internal
import Bulletproofs.InnerProductProof.Prover
import Bulletproofs.InnerProductProof.Verifier
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions Bulletproofs/InnerProductProof/Internal.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
module Bulletproofs.InnerProductProof.Internal where

import Protolude

import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types as Crypto
import Bulletproofs.Fq

data InnerProductProof
= InnerProductProof
{ lCommits :: [Crypto.Point]
-- ^ Vector of commitments of the elements in the original vector l
-- whose size is the logarithm of base 2 of the size of vector l
, rCommits :: [Crypto.Point]
-- ^ Vector of commitments of the elements in the original vector r
-- whose size is the logarithm of base 2 of the size of vector r
, l :: Fq
-- ^ Remaining element of vector l at the end of
-- the recursive algorithm that generates the inner-product proof
, r :: Fq
-- ^ Remaining element of vector r at the end of
-- the recursive algorithm that generates the inner-product proof
} deriving (Show, Eq)

data InnerProductWitness
= InnerProductWitness
{ ls :: [Fq]
-- ^ Vector of values l that the prover uses to compute lCommits
-- in the recursive inner product algorithm
, rs :: [Fq]
-- ^ Vector of values r that the prover uses to compute rCommits
-- in the recursive inner product algorithm
} deriving (Show, Eq)

data InnerProductBase
= InnerProductBase
{ bGs :: [Crypto.Point] -- ^ Independent generator Gs ∈ G^n
, bHs :: [Crypto.Point] -- ^ Independent generator Hs ∈ G^n
, bH :: Crypto.Point
-- ^ Internally fixed group element H ∈ G
-- for which there is no known discrete-log relation among Gs, Hs, bG
} deriving (Show, Eq)


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