An external PySpark module that works like R's read.csv or Panda's read_csv, with automatic type inference and null value handling. Parses csv data into SparkSQL DataFrames. No installation required, simply include via SparkContext.
Supports type inference by evaluating data within each column. In the case of column having multiple data types, pyspark-csv will assign the lowest common denominator type for that column. For example,
Name, Model, Size, Width, Dt
Jag, 63, 4, 4, '2014-12-23'
Pog, 7.0, 5, 5, '2014-12-23'
Peek, 68xp, 5, 5.5, ''
generates DataFrame with the following schema:
|--Name: string
|--Model: string
|--Size: int
|--Width: double
|--Dt: timestamp
Required Python packages: pyspark, csv, dateutil
Assume we have the following context
sc = SparkContext
sqlCtx = SQLContext or HiveContext
First, distribute to executors using SparkContext
import pyspark_csv as pycsv
Read csv data via SparkContext and convert it to DataFrame
plaintext_rdd = sc.textFile('hdfs://x.x.x.x/blah.csv')
dataframe = pycsv.csvToDataFrame(sqlCtx, plaintext_rdd)
By default, pyspark-csv parses the first line as column names. To supply your own column names
plaintext_rdd = sc.textFile('hdfs://x.x.x.x/blah.csv')
dataframe = pycsv.csvToDataFrame(sqlCtx, plaintext_rdd, columns=['Name','Model','Size','Width','Dt'])
To convert DataFrames to RDDs, call the .rdd method.
To change separator
plaintext_rdd = sc.textFile('hdfs://x.x.x.x/blah.csv')
datarame = pycsv.csvToDataFrame(sqlCtx, plaintext_rdd, sep=",")
Skipping date and time parsing can lead to significant performance gain on large datasets
plaintext_rdd = sc.textFile('hdfs://x.x.x.x/blah.csv')
dataframe = pycsv.csvToDataFrame(sqlCtx, plaintext_rdd, parseDate=False)
Currently, the following data types are supported:
- int
- double
- string
- date
- time
- datetime
It also recognises None, ?, NULL, and '' as null values
Contributors welcomed! Contact [email protected]