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Vediohead is a decentralised mobile-only social media platform. It allows its users to earn cryptocurrency through app usage and sale of anonymised data.

Vediohead Mobile App

Please read this before going through the code.

What is this repository for?

  • This is the repository for Vediohead's mobile app using React Native. The application is to be made available on both Android and iOS platforms.
  • This repository is made private and public forking is not allowed.
  • The current version stands at 1.1.0. Please refer to for details.
  • Learn Markdown.

Who do I talk to?


  • Firstly, do a checkout of another repository titled 'vediohead-backend-mobile', install and run the Swagger project.

  • Once it is successfully running, please proceed with doing the checkout of this repository and run this command at the end.

    npm install

Run an iOS demo using Xcode

  • Navigate to the ios subfolder and run the following commands to install the required pod files for Xcode.

    pod repo update
    pod install
  • Run and open up the ios subfolder. Build and start the iOS Simulator. Enjoy!

Run an Android demo using Genymotion

  • See installation guide.

  • Run Genymotion and set up an Android virtual device.

  • Always start Genymotion before running the React Native command.

    react-native run-android


This section will provide all, if not some, help to resolve issues encountered while building and running the app demo.

Issue 1: Dependency graph loading stuck at 0%
Loading dependency graph...
Bundling `index.ios.js`  [development]  ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░  0.0% (0/1)

The issue may lie with Watchman not working properly. Run the following command to fix it. Re-installation of Watchman should help if the issue persists.

launchctl unload -F $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.facebook.watchman.plist
Issue 2: App stuck at splash screen

The issue may lie with the database connection failing to establish via the Swagger API helper. Do check to see if the Swagger project or vediohead-backend-mobile is running concurrently.

Issue 3: BUILD FAILED message encountered

Change directory to ios, run updates, remove existing pods folder before installing from Podfile.

pod repo update
rm -rf pods
pod install
Issue 4: 'FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h' file not found

The issue may lie with missing files from FacebookSDK due to the Framework Search Paths setting not pointing to the correct directory. See Step 3: Add SDK to Project.

Issue 5: BackAndroid is deprecated

The issue will be resolved when the app is running in a production environment.

Issue 6: Missing links for packages installed

DO NOT run the following generic command when the added package fails to compile.

react-native link

Instead, always specify the affected package in particular while running the link command. If the issue persists, attempt to uninstall and install the affected package.

react-native link <package-name>
npm uninstall <package-name>
npm install <package-name>
Issue 7: Apple Mach-O Linker Error
Apple Mach-O Linker Error - Linker command failed with exit code 1

While compiling the iOS app onto an iPhone device, the above error may occur. In this instance, the issue can be resolved by reinstalling the CocoaPods used.

Install both CocoaPods:

sudo gem install cocoapods-deintegrate
sudo gem install cocoapods-clean

Run this inside the folder of the project:

pod deintegrate
pod clean

Modify your podfile to delete any unused CocoaPods before installing:

pod install
Issue 8: No response observed from bids made on the app

Ensure that the MongoDB server version is at 3.4.x for the bidding system to work properly.

brew search mongo
brew install [email protected]
brew unlink mongodb
brew link --force [email protected]
brew unlink [email protected]
brew link mongodb