This project contains the personal portfolio of Sean Blommaert. It was based on Composer template for Drupal projects. Read the documentation of the template for more information.
Configuration is included to set up a local development environment through Docker. The docker configuration is based on the docker compose drupal project on Github.
Follow the instruction on Github to set up the generic containers like MySQL and Mailhog, including the DNS settings. After starting the generic containers, you can use the following commands in the root folder of this project:
- Start containers:
export DOCKERDNS=$(docker inspect -f "{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" dockerdns); docker-compose up -d
- Stop container:
docker-compose down
- Execute commands in PHP container:
bash -c "clear && docker-compose exec php sh"
First you need to install composer. When using the docker setup, composer is already part of the container.
Note: The instructions below refer to the global composer installation. You might need to replace
withphp composer.phar
(or similar) for your setup.
After that you can install the project from the root of the application:
composer install
With composer require ...
you can download new modules to the
cd some-dir
composer require drupal/devel:8.*
When adding new modules, make sure a specific version is specified. We don't want composer to download a different version unintentionally when building/updating the site.
Install clean new site
The Config Installer module was added to be able to install a clean site from configuration. More information on the module can be found in this blog. Using drush you can easily set up a fresh installation for test/development:
- Make sure all composer packages are installed.
- Create web/sites/default/settings.local.php.
- Add database credentials and other custom config in your settings.local.php.
- Run the drush site install from the web directory:
drush si config_installer --account-name=[username-user-1] --account-pass=[your-password]
- Update code:
composer update
- Run DB updates:
drush updb
- Export config:
drush cex
- Commit changes:
git commit -m 'Describe your awesome changes here.'
- Push changes:
git push
The config split module is used to optimize the configuration import and export. We want to keep development configuration out of the production environment (Field UI / Devel etc) and add special handling for some configuration (Webform / Group menu's).
Read this awesome article for more info on the workflow.
- Export config:
drush cex
- Commit changes:
git commit -m 'Describe your awesome changes here.'
- Merge changes:
git pull --rebase
- Update dependencies:
composer install
- Run DB updates:
drush updb
- Import configuration:
drush cim
- Push changes:
git push
Make sure the excluded config is not removed on the production environment with the following workflow:
- Export excluded config:
drush -y csex excluded
- Import configuration:
drush cim
To add a patch to drupal module foobar insert the patches section in the extra section of composer.json:
"extra": {
"patches": {
"drupal/foobar": {
"Patch description": "URL to patch"