Releases: seanld03/RawInputMod-1.12.2-1.7.10
RawInput - 1.4.2
What's changed
Mouse devices connected or reconnected after the game was already opened can now be used, will require use of /rescan or keybind.
Better way of detecting the mouse being used.
If any problems occur please leave an issue on github.
RawInput - 1.4.1 Beta
What's changed
Should fix mouse not being found after reconnecting to pc.
Should fix mouse not being found at all.
Needs testing
RawInput - 1.4.0
What's changed
Added keybinds for toggling raw input and for rescanning devices.
Stopped the mod causing a crash if loaded on a server.
Toggling raw input now keeps the correct rotation ( Camera won't jump around when toggling ).
RawInput - 1.3.0
Completely fixed a problem that made the camera jump when exiting an inventory
Full Changelog:
RawInput - 1.2.0
Fixed camera jumping when exiting an inventory